Jan 14, 2006 15:49
Well, still my quest for a camaro lasts. But naught for long I hope. Though the last one we found (which was $9500) was f-in bishin, this one will have promise. Though it lacks the upgrades to give it 375HP, it is only $2500, and the guy pretty much said "you can talk me down, money is no issue for me". But I'm too nice to talk him down too much, so maybe I'll go for 2300 or so. Still trying to sale my car, well, not really trying to hard. But yah, this other car=1988 camaro 5.7L tpi v8 with a 5 speed manual. Fun =P. Problem with some wiring though, it seems the tailights don't work..though the break lights do, interesting.
Also, I started going to school, taking an automotive class to learn me up on some stuff. I found that I'm-a do this GM course thing that will make me certified to work for a dealership =D. Make $40-$50K a year starting pay. Pretty good i'd say. And that's apparently the minimum starting pay. Currently my camaro has a tranny fluid leak.. gonna fix it in school. I know where from it leaks, but I can't get under and fix it easily. Plus I'm exhausted and working.
Oh yah, I got in my first accident the other day. In my companies truck... I backed into someone's piece of shit 1991 chavy van (a steel beast). It was a combinatnion of his, mine, and a nother person's fault. But the blame falls ontu mine shoulders. SO, my boss gave him an estimate of $900 to fix it and offered to fix it. The guy wasn't happy with that estimate. Yes, how can you be unhappy with a cheap fix? That costs you nothing. (that woulda cost my company $900 to fix it.) So he goes to another place and gets an estimate of over $2000 and comes back to my boss. After haggling and wha tnot it's agreed to $1500 and now I owe..$1500. So, every check of mine will lose $150 till i pay it off. Sucks =p.
Good news would be last week I finally..FINALLY got to have sex. For like the first time in a few months. God dammity. And it was good, bob, it was good. Both times twas good. And I was exhausted from capades and yah e.o.
Other than that life hast been frought with boredom and work, and sleep and FOOD. But not alot of food. just some. Cause there is no damned beef up in this his-ouse. Or however you say it.
Now then, remember to say these prayers before you off someone:
"And when I vest my flashing sword And my hand takes hold in judgement I will take vengeance upon mine enemies And I will repay those who hase me O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand And count me amoung Thy saints ."
"Whosoever shed last blood. By man shall his blood be shed. For immunity of god make he the man. Destroy all that which is evil. So that which is good may flourish. And I shall count thee amoung my favoured sheep. And you shall have the protection of all the angels in heaven."
"Never shall innocent blood be shed. Yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The three shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeaful striking hammer of god. "
"And Shepherds we shall be
For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand
Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."