Apr 24, 2013 20:02
I don't feel very appreicated at work on a regular basis. I'm happy with myself... I smile and say "Hi" to everyone and make sure to inner act with everyone I come in contact with. It amazes me how many people go thru life ignoring the world around them. I take pide in knowing that I make complete strangers smile everyday. Today a small group of people made ME feel good. One of the girls from the Hospital's rehab department called me to ask if I was going to be at my desk so she could drop off some files for my doctors to file and I said sure, I'd stick around. 5 minutes later 4 of them came into my office all at the same time carrying a bouquet of flowers, a card and a small box of See's candy's. They all signed the card in various ways of stating that they appreciate the hard work that I do for them along how they appreciate my "bubbly" personality. That really made me feel good! Thank you peoples from the 5th floor!!