tv, movies, news & random stuff

Mar 16, 2012 19:54

OOO!!! Just saw there is a new animation in the works that looks super promising. "Hotel Transylvania."
YAY!!! Also watched movie trailer for "dark Shadows"
and of course - Frankenweenie (another Tim Burton). I remember his original version of this was an added feature on my "Nightmare before Xmas" VCR tape (member those things!) That was wayyyy back before all the 3D and super remixed versions of it. It was a good concept but not fully developed at the time so the new animated version looks great! I watched the trailer and excitedly screamed "FAMILY DOG!" as this is the shape and concept of "Frankenweenie". "Family Dog" was a show I used to watch in the early 90's. It came on TV and had a few episodes and then just disappeared. When it came on TV there happened to be one HUGE stuffed animal of the Dog in the Disney store and my parents bought it for me. Its survived many moves and is still with me. The amazing thing is I never knew "family Dog" was one of Burton's pets. So I supposed I loved Burton before I knew all his other brilliant creations. The man has had my heart forever. ♥

TV: did anyone watch "Face Off"...a show with people creating special effect make overs every week & like every show now days- someone gets booted off every week? It just wrapped up it's second season. Good show but I hope if gets better next season.
The husband and I like all those special effect shows-there is another one that just started called something like "Monster man" or "Monster Maker"... anyhow. Good show.
So glad "Community" is back. DVRed it so should be catching up this weekend on it.
Alcatraz? anyone...
oh! For anyone who watches "Taps"... what did you make of Grant up and leaving!? There have been rumors to his reasoning.. what have you heard!?

Movies: Just watched "Out of Time"... Justin Timberlake surprises me constantly. I remember when he was with The boy band and when he moved over to doing movies I didn't have any big expectations for him but shockingly enough- he's a great actor! The movie was interesting... I liked the whole idea of everything operating on Time. I wont say too much but if you have been balancing the line on if you want to see this movie or not- do it. It was worth the few hours I invested in it. I'm a super picky movie person that constantly finds plots that wouldn't hold up , I poke holes and get disappointed on a regular basis but this one kept me busy enough that I didn't find anything to pick apart.

rambling, tv, movie review

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