Mar 13, 2012 19:47
This is a run by waving because I have a cold thanks to trying to play Nurse to the husband during HIS illness... well worth it though as he is ALWAYS taking care of me. I KNOW he does a shit load of things for me on a regular basis but being one man down in this house for the past 4 days has proven to me just how MUCH he does for us. My weekends are usually spend with one day of complete relaxing and the 2nd catching up on house work but this week I was running between doing both of our regular routeens and I even found myself cranky trying to cover so much.
No food in the house meant I had to go to the store. At first I tried to just get by on what was left in the back dusty corners of the cabinets but there really wasn't even a can in there. On to the last roll of Toilet paper, the laundry over flowing, tax appointments to get to (Bundle the husband to sleep in the car just so I can run out for his signature)- you name it. I fell back on the bed at the end of Sunday wondering how the hell I managed all this on my own prior to the husband. Even the 1st husband, the practice one, didn't do any of these things so I had YEARS of practice but now that I have lived the spoiled life, I never want to go back to that way of life again.
Jer is just now coming to the tail end of his cold and I am just starting up on it. Who wants it next? (How is this possable when I get the freakin flu shot every year?!) This cold is a 7 on a scale to 10. I hope it goes by quickly as I don't want to leave Jer to do all the task I normally handle.