(no subject)

Apr 01, 2004 22:34

Continuation of this post.

So, um... where was I? Oh yea..

So, we bought shirts and stuff, and they rock. Really purdy. I wanted the red one with SP written in the shoulder area, but it was too big and stuff... So... yea.

We waited reeeeally long more and then I saw *insert fangirl squeal* Jeff and his guitar!!!! OMIGAWDWTFBBQ!!!

Me: JEFF IS SEXXAY!!! (I think he was talking to the camera at the time. I wonder what they were talking about..)
Cuzzie: >_>... =O! DAVID IS SEXXAY!!!

That's where David came out. So yes, I was damn excited. I mean, JEFF & DAVID!!! So they were all cool and calm and David took his bass. It was like seeing God. There was aura and everything! I'm like, sooo not kidding either... And you know what? They half waved at us. I almost freakin' fainted. Really..

So I think Chuck was on stage first. Am I right? I can't remember.. But they were on stage with accompaniying red flashing lights and whooping sirens and stuff and they started with Shut Up! It's amazing live. I'm telling you right now, I've never heard it better. Then they continued with Worst Day Ever I believe. It was really interactive too. David talked a lot. Must've gotten some backstage. *coughPIERREWASDEFINATELYKINDAHOTANDBOTHEREDcough*. Yea, they kept asking us if we were tired.

David: You guys aren't tired yet?
Crowd: AHHHHHH!!! (that's what I heard though)
David: *to Pierre* these guys aren't tired. (bet he was. you know... just having had sex and all)

Cute eye-groping going on there.. MmHmm... I wish I'd brought a camera. But I don't even have one. lol. If I did, I'd sooo be pic spamming all of you with NO lj-cut just because... Hee... anyway, loads of convo between Pie And Davheed. Yess.. I was going to scream out Pierre: Kiss David if you love your fans (Amanda the panda's idea. She had a board. They saw it but didn't do wnything. OMGWTFBBQ PUSSIES!) But first of all I was way over at the side and they probably wouldn't have heard me anyways and second I was too shy. I've got to get over my shyness.... Boo... And did I tell you what my shyness cost me?

This is how the scene played out in my mind for like 0.00001569876565469846 seconds.

PATRICK: *Walking by*
PATRICK: um...Hey!
Me: AUUTOOGRAAAAPH! PWEESE? *puppy dog eyes*
PATRICK: Yess! *signs stuff*

What really happened?

PATRICK: *Walks by*
Me: *gulps*... *stands there like an idiot and doesn't do anything*.

Boo... I suck. He was holding a camera... He could've filmed me rambling about Pie and Dave's baguettyness, but nooo I had to get all tongue tied. I was standing against the wall and he was walking by ON THE FLOOR MEANING NOT BACKSTAGE and I could've easily gotten his attention. Patrick is HOLYSHITGODFUCKINGDAMMIT too hott for words. He's not fat people. He's perfect. His hair was rad. And he was all gruffy. Squee!

Anyways, that was the later part of the show. We're still at the middle yes? Yess. I, being the blurness that I am, lost my cuzzie. Or rather, she scampered away for a better view without my knowledge. So, yes I was alone for half of the show. =[ 'msad. That's why I was standing at against the wall and not in the crowd screaming my ass off. Okay, Iw as screaming my ass off, just not with the crowd. Yea. And Chuck and David exchaned posts and Chuck was on Bass..

Chuck: This was the first time we played Crazy (riight. Quit lying...) And now, this'll be the first time I'll be playing a fivenotelong bass solo!!!
Crowd: alsdgfosan'tgwetip13tweg'w;gjwewgihs AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Chuck: So... Here I go. *David's drum riffs for I'm Just a Kid*

And indeed, it lasted about 5 notes. but I loved it because Chuck rocks like that. And then David had a Drum solo. Yes, it rocked my plant-water-soaked socks. And all the while Pierre was sitting on an amp (Jeffs I think) and looking at the crowd and waving randomly... SUPERLY CUTE! But before that they did also have a little "counting" game with Chuck.

David: Lets see if Chuck can count to ten!
Chuck: *counts to ten*
David: Lets see if he can do twenty!!
Chuck: *Counts to twenty*
Pierre: *was counting along with his fingers. OMIGAWD I almost died. So effing cute!*

They even did a little game with us audience people. They made us split into two parts.

David: *points to people on his side* You guys rock cause you're on my side!!
Pierre: *points to people on his side* No, you guys rock because you're on My and Sebastien's side!
David: *thumbs down*
Pierre: So, the whole point of this game is to see who can scream louder
Crowd: AHHHH!!!

And there was a suspicious amount of David/Seb going on. That made me a 'lil pissed off, but, whatever.

David: Sebastien?
Seb: Yea?
David: How are you feeling?
Seb: Good...
David: I'm greaaat!... Seb, you look gooood
Seb: o.0... Weird...

JSAFGRWITGP WTF!!! Anway, great show. Never will be anything better ever in ever. Even ma cuzzie and ma friend said they were glad they didn't leave and they'd shoot themselves if they did... Lol

Songs they played:
I'd Do Anything
Worst Day Ever
You Don't Mean Anything
I'm Just A Kid
God Must Hate Me
Grow Up
Shut Up
Welcome To My Life
Thank You
Me Against The World
Happy Together
I Believe In A Thing Called Love (The Darkness cover)

Yes! Untitled! I couldn't believe it even. It was great. Well, except they didn't have an orchestra, just an acoustic guitar which Jeff played. Seb had to handle the solo and um.. I don't think he knew it very well.. lol. But it was great. And as per usual, they ended with Perfect. I held my cell up in the air. It was fucking amazing. Yea. I had the time of my life...

So... What did you do on the 30th? lol...

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