Nov 21, 2009 23:08
Spoke to a bloke who knows some blokes, the other day. Met him through another bloke.
This particular new bloke was the "Must meet a man, shake him by the hand and look him square in the eye" type. Blinked, shrugged, summoned up gregarious persona #87b, and swapped industry war stories and backgrounds for a while. Seemed to work. He's apparently going to go see some blokes about some other blokes, and possibly all of this bloke-to-blokeing will at some point resolve into slightly better consistency of clientele.
The hope is that if this guy turns out to be an adequate source of contracts, I'll be able to lay off that side of the business and concentrate on the turning-contracts-into-dollars bit, ie the actual work, which I do quite well.
While it's not quite the Old Boys' Network, there's certainly enough testosterone sloshing around in these arrangements for me to make a mental note to see if I can do some more female-oriented networking at some point. I'd hate to find out I'd shut out 50% of the market through only dealing with blokes who know blokes.