Well, Savate was interesting. For values of interesting being "so high-intensity I threw up after class". On the plus side, I didn't barf during class, and didn't actually pass out, or have my vision go grey, or be unable to physically move, so it's not the worst reaction to exercise I've ever had.
Conclusions: compared to everyone else in the class, I'm older and in much worse shape. Not unexpected for a university-based course. I also have near-zero endurance at that level of activity and experience rapid muscle fatigue and slowdown. Not to mention feeling a lot of the whacks when defending as I have limited muscle mass to absorb them, especially on the forearms.
What I do have is good reach (from being tall), an advantage in being able to absorb and abstract the movements (when I have enough oxygen to think) because at least some of them are similar to the Aikido and Tai Chi stuff or make sense from a physics or anatomical viewpoint, and a sense of what works for movement and flow (similarly - I have OK form when I can actually move). I also have the stubbornness of a thirty-something and the social sensitivity of a geek, which in this case means I don't give a crap that I threw up and I'll be going back.
I think, overall, that I would do better in a similar class with lower intensity and more rest breaks, but maybe my fitness will be pulled into line a bit as the term progresses.
Anyway, as a result of all of this, when I was recovered enough to drive home, a hot shower was enough to put me to sleep five minutes afterwards. Intriguingly enough, I woke just under eight hours later, instead of the ten to twelve it usually takes, and I don't feel tired, bruised, or in pain. Even the crick in my neck I exacerbated last Saturday is largely behaving itself.
Hmm... there's some deep muscle creakiness, but nothing too bad.
Well, I have Pilates in four hours. I'll see how I go with that. And then this afternoon I have to give my rendition of 'Stars'. Tomorrow is Aikido again - and this time,
I got the pajamas.