More house update.

Jun 29, 2006 23:15

Well, the financers are STILL dragging their feet. We have (counts) just under twenty hours to get everything sorted out or there's a fairly good chance we're going to have to pick a new house. Plus there will be associated costs as a result of us not being able to come to the table with the money we originally offered.

I've planned for this, of course, but both of us would have much rather preferred being able to buy the original place. It's a very nice house, and a lot more modern (if a smaller block size) than most of the others in our price range. We'd even made tentative plans on what to do with the various rooms etc.

Oh well. For better or worse, we'll know tomorrow. The main problem is that it's still all in the hands of the people who have been dragging their feet for the past three weeks. So we can't count on them following through with any kind of alacrity.


What we'll probably do, if this deal falls through, is to pop over to Perth for a couple of weeks once the paperwork IS done, and start househunting again. It's more hassle than just being able to buy the original place we chose, but we do have a couple of advantages.

Firstly, we'll have a lot more time. We have enough money to live on for a couple of months, so we can certainly spend four to eight weeks of it in Perth. And hey, warmer weather. We found the original place in only a week or so of looking, so with several weeks we should be able to come across something at least relatively decent.

Secondly, the property market in the area we're looking in is absolutely inSANE in terms of how fast it moves. There's no point in looking in the paper. There's no point in looking in the window of real estate agents. There's almost no point in looking on the internet (in some cases). Anything you hear about through normal media channels will already have been sold. And there's a hell of a lot of properties that get fed into the real estate mill in that area. If you know how to get word within an hour or two of their listing, or preferably BEFORE they're listed, you have an advantage. And thanks to our previous trip there in April, we know how to do this.

So, to recap - lots of time, very fast property market with lots and lots of places becoming available, and we know how to get at the fount of it all. And we'll be in Perth while we're doing it, so we'll get a holiday at the same time - warmer weather, doing the whole friends and family thing, all that stuff.

Less convenient than just landing this place tomorrow? Undoubtably. But hardly intolerable. However it pans out, in a handful of weeks we WILL have the keys to some place in Perth. We even know which general area. The only real question is precisely which front door we'll be telling the furniture people to deliver our stuff to.

calculating, self-image, reactions-pending, reactions-bitter amusement, hobbies-financial, reactions-annoyed, reactions-adversity

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