I was describing a simple procedure in a paper. The algorithm environment wasn't suitable, because this is a description, not a pseudo-code representation.
The general gist was to have:
Inputs [describe inputs]
Step 1) [description]
Step 2) [description]
Step 3a) [description]
and so on. It seemed like enumerate was the obvious choice.
Notice that the labels needed to be _left_ justified, otherwise it looks silly. Unfortunately IEEEtran likes to _right_ justify labels within enumerate.
The best solution I can come up with at the moment is to put each label inside a makebox, but to left justify within the box. As long as every box is the full width of the label region, Bob's your proverbial.
\begin{enumerate}[\setlabelwidth{Step 3a)}]
\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\makebox[\labelwidth][l]{\emph{Step \arabic{enumi}}}}
I'm sure there must be a better way to do this, but for the moment it gets the job done.
The result