Strawberry laces and Coke

Dec 03, 2015 00:31

Title: Strawberry laces and Coke
Fandom: 100%/BToB
Pairing(s)/Focus: Jonghwan/Minhyuk, Jonghwan-Centric
Rating: PG-13 (mentions of sex, innuendo)
Wordcount: 1,300
Work remixed: Kahlua and Amarula, Topped With Cream by
Summary: Jonghwan wakes up after bringing Minhyuk home from the club
Notes/Warnings: I love the original fic and I actually loved all of your masterlist, your fics were so good it was hard to pick one to remix, and then I ran out of time at the end - and I really wish it was longer, and my ideas had been fully explored. I really hope you enjoy it. I loved mixing it. Like your author's note I did find their dynamic hard because they are so similar but also different. Originally for kpop_ficmix

Jonghwan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the man he'd brought home from the night before, he smiled a little. This wasn't all too uncommon for him. He'd done this a few times more recently, there was no harm in it- he was an adult and he needed to get some relaxation in his schedule, he was in college, a politics major, and there was so much pressure on him to do well and go on to do a masters and then maybe get an amazing job and pay for his parents to have a good life in old age - but he didn't want to think about that.

He also didn't want to think about how he was going to tell his best friend that he'd brought someone home for the night. He knew that Changbum was going to roll his eyes at him and give him a 'you need to settle down' talk. He sometimes wondered why he even bothered being best friends with Changbum anymore, they'd dated when they were younger, but they'd decided that they were much better as best friends. Jonghwan did hate that Changbum knew him so perfectly - so probably already had assumed that he'd brought someone back after a night out.

Jonghwan moved slightly, adjusting his position in the bed and smiled again at the man in his bed, he was pretty sure that the other wasn't sleeping, just resting his eyes, but Jonghwan could admire the others face for a while (and that was always a plus). He was pretty used to the whole one night stand with the bartender thing, but he couldn't help but appreciate the other's sleeping face.

He knew that he was always a game, that it was a game, sex was a game. He liked the game, the thrill of someone flirting with him, or trying to get him home. He loved the way that Minhyuk had played it, he had enjoyed the sex too, he wasn't going to marry the man he'd brought home but he wouldn't have minded meeting him in a different setting. Jonghwan rolled over and looked at the clock on the side of his bed, before grabbing his phone and scrolling down the lock screen to the look at the messages, one call from his mother and three texts from Changbum, one bitching about his current boyfriend (who Jonghwan knew pretty much everything about because Changbum vented a lot to him), and two bitching about how Jonghwan didn't reply and saying he was going to the library later to study.

Jonghwan put his phone back down, choosing to ignore the messages and then looked at the man in his bed again. He smiled when Minhyuk opened his eyes (for what he assumed was the second time), "Morning" Jonghwan mumbled, moving to lie on his front, propping himself up on his elbows. "Hungover?" He smiled, teasing the other slightly. He didn't really know why he was being like this, he knew what the other had drunk last night but he didn't want to be presumptuous.
Minhyuk just nodded and sat up in the bed, Jonghwan couldn't help but get a good look at the others body. He smiled a little, this was definitely a good thing to wake up to in the morning. He lent a little to try to disguise his far too obvious gaze. He was a little bit shallow sometimes and measured his self-worth against the attractiveness of the men he brought home. Although Minhyuk was nice, he liked the other boys smile - and the sex had been good.

Minhyuk got out of the bed and Jonghwan just watched the curve of his ass. Jonghwan moved to lie back down in his bed, he wasn't going to stop the other leaving, it was just a one night thing, and he knew that. He knew that there weren't many guys that even stayed until he woke up. Minhyuk started pulling his clothes on, "You can shower if you want" Jonghwan said with a small shrug. Minhyuk just shook his head.

"I've got work, so..." Minhyuk paused a little, "I'll just be off." He gave Jonghwan a small smile, "Last night was great." He added, before walking out of the bedroom and Jonghwan was already curled up in the blankets to try to sleep off his hangover when he heard the front door shut. Jonghwan had a shift later on that day - so he'd probably end up getting drunk again from the people who bought him drinks, probably thought he was cute and wanted to get in his pants, but it was fun. He liked the job - he just didn't like the hangovers that he got the day after.

He got up a second time, alone in his bed this time, he dragged himself to the shower, to try to wash off the scent of booze and sex that clung to his skin. He took longer than he wanted in the shower and as he was drying off, checked if he needed to shave - glad he didn't, he would have hated to have been looking unclean in front of someone he'd brought home - he hated how he looked when his facial hair was growing and much preferred his own face when he was clean shaven.

Jonghwan got dressed and then went into his kitchen, eyeing his cupboards and praying that there was something in them that he wanted to eat - and not just what Changbum had brought round when he decided that he was going to make Jonghwan eat proper food, citing that Jonghwan didn't know how to look after himself. Jonghwan looked after himself fine, he just wasn't into making complex meals and he needed to eat on the go a lot.

Jonghwan sighed, noticing that there was barely any food in the cupboards other than his oreo cereal - which he didn't really feel like eating. He sighed and slipped his shoes on so he could go to the local GS25.

He walked in and grabbed himself a pack of strawberry laces, a dove bar, some pringles and two cans of coke, before carrying them to the counter and dropping them in front of the cashier. He didn't really want to be in there longer than he had to be, he wanted to get home and catch up on whatever reading he had to do for class while he ate his 'meal'.

"I thought you'd be more the healthy type." Jonghwan looked over to see Minhyuk standing behind the counter. Jonghwan felt himself blushing, trying to think of a smart comeback to it.

"I.. this isn't... I usually eat better." He said, well that was convincing his own inner sarcastic voice scolded him. He blushed more when he felt like it was taking longer for Minhyuk to reply than he needed to.

"The coke is two plus one." he said and Jonghwan just nodded before moving to go and get the third can. Jonghwan thought it was taking a painfully long time for the transaction to happen, he handed over his card and signed on the pad. He just wanted to get his things and get out of there.

"If this is what keeps you in the shape you're in, then keep up with it." Minhyuk smiled as he handed over the bag, "maybe I'll see you in here for laces, or in the bar for more blowjobs." He said with a cheeky smile, and Jonghwan couldn't help but blush again, but for a different reason this time.

fandom:100%, rating:pg-13, !au, fandom:crossover, !fanfic, oneshot

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