어디에서 잤어?

Nov 04, 2015 12:09

Title: 어디에서 잤어?
Author: the_resolver
Fandom: 100%
Pairing: Minwoo/Chanyong
Rating: R
Words: 1,500
Warning: hinted internal homophobia, Infidelity, hinted sex
Summary: Thailand was supposed to fix everything...
A/N: Thank you to Lia who literally listened to me whine too much (and got confused with me) and also thank you to Squid for sprinting with me because I needed that push to write. Also a big shoutout to Sinbi who dealt with me and made sure this made sense. I love this fic world, and I loved the original - I love this version just as much and I hope that anyone who reads this will love it too. For automix.

Remix of I See Fire

Chanyong sat on the plane looking out of the window, he didn't really know how long the flight was going to take, but with the tension that was happening at the moment it would never be short enough. He didn't even remember when the tension started but it was beginning to feel like it was always there. Chanyong knew he was as much at fault as Minwoo was. He knew that he was making it harder for the other to get close again. He didn't even remember why they had been keeping each other at arm's length.

That wasn't quite true. He wasn't sure why Minwoo was keeping him at a distance. He knew why he was awkward with Minwoo. He was beginning to wonder if Minwoo was ever going to get comfortable with the idea that he was gay. Chanyong was beginning to worry that it was always going to be a problem for them - like it always had been. Chanyong had, however, knew what he was getting into when it came to dating Minwoo. He knew the other found it difficult to accept his own sexuality. He worried a lot about what was going on inside Minwoo's head. He looked over at his boyfriend and sighed a little, there was no point trying.

He didn't want to end it though, he just needed to find a way to get the Minwoo he loved back. He didn't really know what was going on in Minwoo's brain - ever -. All he knew was he'd had a call from his family, which Chanyong knew never ended well and since then they'd been like this and he wasn't quite sure what he was going to do. He wondered if Minwoo was as concerned as he was about how their relationship was going.

Minwoo had stopped having sex with him over a month ago, telling Chanyong that once they fixed their relationship they could start having sex again. Not that it was really a big deal. Well in some ways it was, Minwoo was physically pushing him away - but he wasn't going to say that to his boyfriend. He just agreed, even though he didn't want to - but he didn't want to have sex with someone who didn't want it.

Chanyong wasn't really sure if this vacation was a good idea, but they had booked the tickets and he didn't mind going to see a new country with Minwoo. He also knew that Minwoo had found places that were friendly towards LGBT visitors. If they'd been talking Chanyong would have asked Minwoo if he was feeling comfortable about going to a gay resort. But they weren't so he just accepted it. He knew one of them was going to have to make the first move when it came to making up for their fighting and their tension but for once he wanted it to be Minwoo.

The problem with Minwoo was that he was so intelligent, Chanyong sometimes felt like he never really stood a chance when it came to going up against his boyfriend. But he knew that he wanted the other to feel sorry, to be sorry and to actually want to work to fix it. He just wanted Minwoo to be comfortable - and he didn't want to be spending his whole life with someone who felt awkward if their hands brushed when they were out. But in the same breath he didn't want to spend his life with anyone that wasn't Seo Minwoo.

Thailand was hot - which Chanyong had expected - but hot was good, he smiled when he noticed that Minwoo had his shirt unbuttoned. Minwoo had a sexy body - not that he'd admit that. Minwoo had always been reserved about his own body. Chanyong had been there when the other had been through the difficult time dealing with his body image, but now he was more confident and it was sexy.

The holiday was the same as back at home, it was almost isolating to spend time together. Minwoo was trying and Chanyong had to give him that, he was really trying to find a way to fit them back together like a neat jigsaw. But this wasn't a problem Minwoo could solve with logic. This was something that was abstract, it wasn't a neat square that could be pushed through a square hole. It was almost as if it was a triangle hole.

Chanyong really was beginning to loose hope that the man lying next to him was going to find a way that they could fix it. If Minwoo couldn't find a way to fix them then he didn't know what would fix them, or even if they could be fixed. He didn't want to think of a life without Minwoo but he didn't want to live like this forever. He wanted the tension gone, he wanted to just be able to love his boyfriend without the awkwardness.

He got up, there was no point lying in this bed when it felt cold. He quietly got dressed and went down to the hotel bar, he sat drinking by himself, he was thinking. He didn't want to be bothered, although he looked up when bartender handed him a martini and said that a rather good looking Thai boy had sent it over. Chanyong smiled and took a sip. Every part of this was wrong, Chanyong didn't drink martini's, Minwoo did. It was all wrong but Chanyong wasn't doing anything to stop it.

The boy came over and sat with Chanyong, showering him with compliments and flirtatious glances and touches. Chanyong resisted at first but then eventually started to reciprocate. Flirting wasn't that bad, he tried to justify it to himself. And throughout the justifications he found himself kissing the boy, and then leaving the bar with him.

Chanyong found himself being kissed against the door of this guy's hotel room, Chanyong closed his eyes and tried to hold his own, he was never dominated like this with Minwoo, it was never just pure lust. He held the man close as he found himself being pushed down onto the bed and lost all of his self control.

Chanyong got up as soon as they had both finished. He got in the mans shower, and then brushed his teeth. He needed to get back to his boyfriend and this was all wrong. He didn't want to be here with some man, he wanted to be back in his bed holding his boyfriend. Chanyong left without a word, he walked slow back to his hotel room trying to process it all before he got to Minwoo. When he got in he saw Minwoo curled up in the bed, he got in next to him and slipped his arms around the older man's waist and smiled when Minwoo turned round to face him, he gave the other a short kiss. "Where have you been?" Minwoo said quietly.

"I went for a walk, I was thinking about us." Chanyong said replied. He had meant to tell the truth, but he knew that if he did he would probably loose Minwoo. He couldn't bare the thought of life without him and he knew it was wrong but he just didn't know how he could tell the truth and somehow keep the man. He had realised that Minwoo was worth fighting for, that he could only see a future with Minwoo and he didn't want to ever think about being with someone else. He knew it was hypocritical considering the fact he'd just slept with a stranger. "I don't want to give up on us." Minwoo had just nodded, and looked at him. "I'm sorry," Chanyong said quietly, when Minwoo was back facing the other way with his eyes closed, and Chanyong was the big spoon.

"For what?" Minwoo mumbled, sleeping with someone else, but Chanyong never answered; he just held Minwoo, rubbing his stomach gently and kissing the back of his shoulder gently. Minwoo eventually breathed out, "If you've ever cheated on me, if you admit it now, we can pretend it didn't happen. But if I find out later I'm not going to have mercy." he took Chanyong's hand in his, say it, tell him you slept with someone else and beg him to forgive you. his mind was shouting at him, but yet his mouth just didn't open. He just couldn't form the words.

"Go to sleep Minwoo, we'll talk about us in the morning," Chanyong said quietly. Minwoo just sighed in response "No matter what happened before, you're the man I love." Chanyong said before they both fell asleep. Minwoo fell asleep first, and Chanyong just lay there watching him. He knew he should have told Minwoo what he'd done so they could work through it together. He knew Minwoo deserved to know, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. After all they say ignorance is bliss.

fandom:100%, !au, rating:r, pairing:minwoo/chanyong, !fanfic, oneshot

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