White Noise on the Radio

Sep 02, 2015 09:42

Title: White Noise on the Radio
Author: the_resolver
Fandom: EXO
Pairing: Sehun/Tao
Rating: Pg-15
Words: 1325
Warning: cursing, mentions of sex
Summary: Zi Tao knew he should never have agreed to this.
A/N:This was supposed to be so much more than this, but technical difficulties got in the way, thank you to Pancake for listening to me trying to plot this out and thank you to M for listening to me even though you had no idea what was going on. For exoficpalette with the setting and trope, college - road trip.

Tao sighed looking at the car that Sehun had rented for them, it was some weird nearly done with college thing that Sehun had got into his head was great idea. Tao wasn't particularly keen on the idea, but Sehun didn't want to go alone and he knew that Zi Tao would do anything for him. Sehun knew that he could call Zi Tao at four in the morning and still get whatever he wanted from the other.

Sehun smiled a little and got in the car on the drivers side, fastening his seatbelt while Tao threw his bag in the back and got in next to him. Sehun turned on the radio and they were off. Sehun was a dance major, and Tao always thought the other had it was easier than he did as he was taking international relations. But he knew Sehun worked exceptionally hard at his degree - so he wasn't going to complain about not having to spend all hours of the day dancing. Not that he could, he was in a sport accident a few years earlier and was left with a permanent injury.

Sehun was singing along to the radio as they drove. Tao just let the other sing, he didn't mind sitting and listening, anything that would stop them from talking. He knew that they could skirt around the elephant in the car but it wouldn't be forever that they could hold it off - and he did not want to have that conversation.

Tao had never really left Seoul in his whole university life as a Chinese student in Korea. He liked it in Korea, but he knew that once he graduated he was going to go back to his home country and work there. This was his last chance to really see the country before he moved back, which was exactly how Sehun had tried to sell it to him. They were driving down to Kyong-ju and then after stopping at Dae-gu and then finishing off in Busan.

Tao was pretty happy that the other seemed to know exactly what was going to happen, he liked to be following a plan. Tao eventually fell asleep and was woken by Sehun pressing a can of soda on his face. Tao just eyed Sehun, "I got you a fanta, so don't give me that grumpy face." Sehun said with a small smile, "You should be thanking me, I could have forgotten you."

"You would never forget me." Tao mumbled, taking the drink. He looked at his friend and then shook his head, "You better not have had a beer." He said with a small shrug of his shoulders as he took a gulp of his drink.

Kyong-Ju was pretty, Tao could see why it used to be the capital of Shilla, it was amazing to see, and there was so much history embedded in the grass here. He could practically feel the history of what was once the capital of the three kingdoms. Tao smiled, when they were walking around a lake covered in lotus' that had bloomed.

Sehun smiled a little and leant on Tao, who couldn't help but tense and move away. Sehun didn't say anything, there was nothing to say about it. Tao smiled taking a photo of the lake before taking a selfie. Sehun rolled his eyes a little, "You're obsessed with selfies."

"No, I'm not." Tao said looking at Sehun, "I just want to keep my memories in a picture, so I can look at them when I'm old and see my memories."

"You're gonna show your grand children?"

"What is that supposed to mean Sehun?" Tao said staring at the other, "I might have a kid and then I might get grandchildren."

"Of course, Zi Tao." Sehun said with a small eye roll. "You know as well as I do, that you don't want kids, you never have."

"I can change my mind, Sehun." Tao said with a shrug, "Maybe I'll be with the right person and I'll want to raise children with them."

"Maybe you will, and then I'll spoil them, because that's what cool uncles are for." Tao swore Sehun played with him too much, that he would change from being underhand to being his best friend and back again. It was just something he'd gotten used to, but he wished he could have the nice Sehun all the time.

They stayed the night in a sauna, it was Tao's first time experiencing the Korean sauna's. He liked it, it was hot but it was bearable and it was quite nice, he fell asleep very quickly. He did however, wake up early in the morning and he just noticed that Sehun was curled up facing away from him. He got up and stretched walking over to the counter and buying them some snacks for breakfast, when he came back Sehun was sat up, although sleep clung to the boy.

"Awake?" Tao teased, handing Sehun the drink and snacks before sitting down and opening his pack of chips. Sehun did the same and they didn't really talk, Tao knew it was his fault deep down but he wasn't going to say anything.

They got to Daegu before lunch and went to find somewhere nice to eat, they went to a noddle bar and ate there. It was amazing and Tao footed the bill, he came from a well off family so it was ok.

They left for Busan straight away - deciding that they wanted to see the sunset on the Haeundae beach. They didn't make it, and that started a fight. They went to sleep not talking, but Tao got up early to sit and watch the sunrise, Sehun did join him after a while.

"I'm sorry." Sehun said quietly, "I wanted it to be perfect."

"You mean you wanted us to watch a sunset and not fuck"

"Tao..." Sehun breathed out harshly, "that was nothing."

"Did you know then? or did you work it out after?" Tao said quietly.

"What do you want to hear Zi Tao? I'm sorry you love me? I'm sorry that I don't love you back, that I will never love you, and the sex was just sex and it meant nothing?" Sehun stood up, "Because I'm not sorry, I'm not sorry that I don't feel the same, I didn't ask for you to love me. I wish you could just stop."

"You don't think I want to stop Sehun? I wish I could just get over you. I wish I didn't still want you." Tao looked at Sehun, "You brought me because you knew I couldn't say no."

"You came because you thought I'd fall in love with you." Sehun shot back, before turning to go back to the hotel, "We're leaving in thirty minutes, if you're not ready by then, get a train."

Tao tried not to cry - because he was not going to let Sehun know that he was getting to him. He just got in the car, like a petulant child and sat in silence, as Sehun started driving, pressing play on the radio which didn't work.

Of course, of all times for the radio not to work it had to happen now. Sehun didn't speak and Tao decided he wasn't going to make the first move. He was going to wait for Sehun to feel bad about it, and then make up.

When they were getting close to Seoul Sehun finally spoke, "I'm sorry I ruined this morning." He said quietly, "but you have to give up on me, I'm not gay. I slept with you, and I do like men, but I just don't want to date men and do the whole love thing."

"I get it."

"Then stop making it like that, we're friends, and I want you to be happy."

"I know." Tao said quietly, but he didn't feel like talking anymore. Sehun dropped him off at his dorm and he went to sleep, pretending he had to study for his finals - he didn't but he wanted some space from Sehun.

pairing:tao/kris, !au, !fanfic, fandom:exo, rating:pg-15, !challenge, oneshot

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