May 22, 2005 10:36
Ok so I'm in Minnesota. It's our first stop on the way to Alaska.
I'm visiting my great aunt and uncle on the maternal side.
They have so many photo albums of our family going back for generations.
My grandmother's family was mostly raised in Beijing, until WWII.
My great grandfather was a teacher in China.
Back in the U.S., my great grandparents ran the I.S.A. (International Student Alliance) in Cambridge, MA.
That doesn't even scratch the surface.
In any case I feel all generationally connected, especially having seen my grandmother at all ages, and how much the female line resembles the previous generation. There's no doubt we're all related!
Now besides family history, I'm staying in this lovely old farm house that's ten miles from gas in every direction. The scenery is really beautiful. I'm sure something even more stunning awaits me in Alaska! There it'll be time for Russian history, as our host in Alaska escaped from Russia during WWII. (That war, Lauren Bear :p )
So omg hi everyone!!