Now, RIAA is entitled to the money that is owed to them from illegal file sharing. But how is file sharing any different from me buying a CD, then make hundreds and hundreds of copies and giving them to my friends? It isn't. My question is, why now? Why didn't they care when people were selling mix tapes from the trunk of their cars? The only reason I can think of is because it's easy now. They can track IPs, send a subpoena/warrant, force the alleged file-sharers to settle for a few thousand, and viola! New and easy source of income.
I don't think the RIAA cares about protecting copyrights (although that surely is the banner they're waving), they just want to lay their hands on whatever money they can get out of whomever they can. The fact that they reiterate "we're willing to settle" goes to show they don't really care about being on the right side of the law, they just want to use the law as leverage and make business deals. In that sense, they have completely abused the judicial system.
I will never pay for music again, ever, except for live concerts.
In other news, I regret switching over to S2. I have to redo my layout. It's a pain.
In yet other news, I may be getting either:
1) furlough
2) 8% salary reduction
If I must suffer on, then I'll take the furlough. If I'm gonna get paid less, I might as well get an extra day off. And uh, youi think they're gonna give me back my 8% when the economy gets better? Fat chance.
More news: it's freezing here in SD. It's the end of the world!