Jul 14, 2007 02:14
"Fortune is like a woman; if you wish to master her, you must conquer her by force. Moreover, she is more willing to be conquered by forceful men of ability than by timid cowards." ~ Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527): The Prince
"You go to a woman? Do not forget your whip."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900): Thus Spoke Zarathustra, XVIII: Old and young women
Every woman adores a Fascist,
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you.
~ Sylvia Plath (1932-1963): "Daddy"
The weak were made to serve the strong. The strong to protect and defend the weak. One cannot defend what he cannot control. Equality is a lie created to defend the weak. The strong must constantly prove himself, when his power wanes he is destroyed and a newer stronger master rises. Darwinism. Evolution. If the strong allow the weak to pretend they are equal than the natural progression of evolution is damaged. The species cannot become stronger if the weak guide it. It cannot become smarter if the ignorant are given control. If equality were a reality we would not have spent thousands of years proving the opposite. Civilization came before equality. It was on the shoulders of Kings and sultans that technology and learning evolved. The birth of equality happened in Greece. And it was swept away by the Empire of Rome. Yet even in greece the premise of equality was a lie.
If equality is true there is no strength, no glory, no hope for advancement. Equality is stasis.