Sep 04, 2009 15:51
I will update now seeing as how its been..a good..I dunno weeks maybe since I last used my LJ. So I shall update, first and foremost of the matter.
Em, why did you change your lj name? I saw the email and i was like who the eff is this...and almost deleted the email untill i saw it was from lj so i decided to check it out and needless to say got me thinking that i should really update my lj.
So, not too much has been going on with me...then again no amount of work ever seems like a burden to me, its just something you do because you can..and I half-ass it because I know ill do fine anyway. I can do anything :D has finally eliminated my social life, I rarely if ever see joe or tim anymore..or its kinda lame. I never get to see my closest friends anymore but whatever, soon school will be done. I will graduate from College and be working and have...somewhat of a life again, as for now I am constatnly buried underneath just tons of hw, and studying. It's been really hard sometimes, I mean I go to school all year with very few breaks...I feel so rushed all the time but i always try to relax. I don't like feeling rushed because I really love taking my time, unless I am at work...when I work I like running around and being busy doing nothing all day sucks.
I dunno..maybe its because I just dont see homework as anything always seems like busy work to me the only time i actually learn anything is when i am at school. Then they expect to us to read these chapters in our book that are nuts in length for my Fundamentals Nursing Class the text book for that class is the size of a freakin bible!! i swear! It is really mentally hard sometimes when you look at the book and you go to pick up this book that must weigh honestly like 30lbs. I get to the chapter and I was reading for a good half hour, and i was thinking to myself how long this damn chapter was so i go to see how long it was..the chapter was 150pgs...and i had to read like 3 chapters that week..all of them were about the same length..i wanted to to throw my book through the wall...instead i said eff this and i havent read
Its just really hard for example last week was finals know what this week was? Start of new class week!!! I feel so rushed sometimes at this school, but im only doing it so i can start working right I want to move out, i want to make more money and i dont wanna be stuck at a hell hole like sams club for the rest of my life.
I hate that place seriously, rather than hiring the appropriate help to make sure we can do what we need to do..instead they are firing a ton of people and are cutting back on the number of people working on the floor. Sometimes im the only person on the floor at the entire time, and it sucks having to do everyone elses job. Now I don't mind helping other people out, but when im the only person scheduled to be there for the entire night I will refuse to do anybody elses I can't stand working at sams club they treat everyone like slaves and its complaints
as for eboni, i dunno what to say...the only thing i can think about right now is i love being with her and she makes me very happy :-)