Aah, what a weekend. Scratch that, what a week. I worked a few 12-hour days, but everything got finished in time. The designer, Melissa, came in for the past week and sewed like crazy with me. Not gonna lie, I was freaking out for a few days there, but she's been doing this for almost 30 years and reassured me that time-wise I was in a very good place for someone who'd never had this job before. Apparently last minute panicky costume alterations are a guaranteed aspect of this line of work, so it's good to get accustomed to it early on.
Our show performed fantastically in San Francisco, garnering a few rave reviews in newspapers that have never bothered to review us before, including the Chronicle and the Examiner (!!) Evidently the phones have been ringing off the hook at the Lamplighters offices as people call in desperately trying to get tickets for more SF shows (which don't exist - our next run is in Walnut Creek). I can't even imagine what this is going to do for Pirates of Penzance ticket sales this summer. Totally crazy!
Opening weekend was bittersweet, however...one of the castmembers (a Lamplighters regular) found out during first dress rehearsal that her sister had been killed in the Haitian earthquake. :( She managed to hold it together though the four performances this weekend, but she left the country yesterday to meet up with her family and try to get her 14-year-old nephew out of Haiti. (My god, I can't even imagine the stress...) So we have another girl stepping into her role for the Walnut Creek run, and we need to refit her costumes at some point before dress rehearsal next week. @_@
I'm trying to think of a really great thank-you gift for Melissa, because this job has turned into much more of an apprenticeship than I expected. I could not have done all of this without her help. I am very, very lucky to be in this position, because most costumers don't get this kind of help so early on. o.o
Aaaaand topic change. I want a new haircut. Which is weird, because I've never received so many compliments as when I cut my hair short...but for some reason I'm just not happy with it anymore. I can't quite put my finger on it. I've felt very self-conscious about my hair ever since I cut it, and I kept it short because I thought that feeling would go away, but it's been well over a year and I still feel the same. I look back at
pictures of myself when I had long hair and wish I still had it that way. I fuss with it every morning and never really feel satisfied with how I've styled it. So I think it's time to grow it out a bit and see what happens. Hey, I can always whack it off again if I don't like it, right?
I've been browsing online to find pictures of not-so-short hairstyles. So far I've seen very little I like. The hunt continues...
And so I leave you with some hilarity. One of Nostalgia Chick's older reviews, but I think it's one of her best:
I'm sharing this mostly because I've had the songs "I Like Boys" and "Popular Girl" in my head for the past two days, and I want to share the misery. Because I'm evil like that.