I decided to take some costume pictures for your viewing pleasure! :)
God I love these designs...Pre-Raphaelite + Art Deco + stained glass window colors = awesome. This dress is one of my favorites. ♥
Another cute one...I have to add a panel to the neck front, though, because this dress gives the actress major cleavage. Not usually a bad thing, but she can't be the only woman onstage with crazy boobage!
God I love the art deco flowers! All of the flower designs were cut out of fabric and satin stitched to the dresses...and no two dresses are alike. It must have taken FOREVER for the original crew to build these costumes.
One of the cuter Act II finale costumes. Some of them look like an explosion in an upholstery factory, but I'm quite fond of this one.
Business up front, party in the back! :D
Somebody in the shop has a sense of humor...I'm just not sure who!