Sep 04, 2013 06:52
The past two weeks have been two of the most nerve and patient testing weeks I have gone threw in a while. Fucking hell, lost my job, the fucktard ex broke up with me and kicked me out, and I have thirty days to move out. Ok. No big deal. Took me a few days, but got a plan of action all set up. Now it's just the awkwardness of being here in the same house as him, and if I thought every little thing he did before annoyed the fuck out of me, well times that by 10. Once again...he is not going to work for some idiotic reason. So once again, I have to deal with him at home, which means, once again, I will hardly get any sleep at all. While I am trying to sleep, he will come in and out of the bed room and make noise and open blinds and do shit that will keep me up on purpose. Yet he wonders why I hardly have anything to say to him. I just wish murder was not illegal, I could find a chainsaw and a butchers apron to keep the blood off of me, and just go to town. And yay...he is causing me to think homocidal again...This will be a fucking fun filled day I tell you.