A Look Behind the Lens [3/12]

May 22, 2008 09:57

Title:A Look Behind the Lens
Author:Pat Pat the_popup_book and HillyBev hikaruikiru
Rating:R just cuz...
Pairing:Brendon Urie (PATD)/Jack Marin (exCIWWAF); Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross
POV:1st person (Brendon Urie's POV)
Summary:Brendon loved taking pictures of pretty things especially of this particular stranger.
Disclaimer:Don't own, don't know, don't sue.
Author Notes:lol...we all just live in a very gay world. Usually the first pair is the main pair. Ryan is just kinda all over it though. this was written a long ass time ago by me and my friend...
Prologue|Chapter 1|Chapter 2

Chapter 3

I do absolutely adore him. He gets a job at a department store. People keep telling him he should do modeling. I agree with them because the photos I have of him are great. I see Ryan come in with a smile.

“Hey there,” I say with a smile.

I see Jack behind him. I freeze and look away.

“Hey there Brendon. Ryan never said you two lived together.”

“Yeah. It’s a new arrangement. Brendon also never told me that you two are attending the same school.”

“It’s a new arrangement,” Jack says.

He sits down on the couch next to me. Ryan follows suit. They begin to talk about everything and anything. Jack suddenly catches my attention.

“Ryan says that you’re a great photographer.”

I can feel a blush coming on. “I don’t know about that...” I mutter.

“Oh hush, Bren. You have excellent pictures. If I’m going to do this modeling job, then you should be my personal photographer.”

Ryan moves to my lap and wraps his arms around my neck possessively. The look he was giving Jack wasn’t inviting. In fact it seemed slightly hostile in a friendly way. To me...it was a daring look.

“You’ll always get the best angles.”

I hear Jack laugh a bit. He seemed odded out right now. “Aren’t you a bit overconfident?”

Ryan grins and nods. “Very.”

“Can I see some of the pictures you’ve taken?” Jack asks.

I shift nervously. Most of my recent snapshots are of him. Roll after roll after roll of film was used on him. I just shrug and gently push Ryan off my lap. I go to a room in the house where I keep all of my photo albums. I pull out one that has different things. I come back and sit in between Jack and Ryan. The photos were of people; random people I enjoyed viewing. I watch carefully as he flips through the pages.

“These are beautiful. It seems you have an eye for beauty. Don’t you agree, Ryan?” Jack asks.

“Of course. Now all he needs is a few pictures of you,” Ryan kids.

“But he does. I caught him taking snapshots of me at school one day. Where are those pictures?” Jack asks.

“Um...undeveloped,” I say softly.

Jack looks at his watch. “Well, I got to get going. I have an appointment I need to be getting to. It was fun hanging out, Ryan. Good luck with that modeling thing.” Jack looks at me next. “It was good seeing you again Brendon. Maybe we’ll run into each other at school.”

I wave. “Maybe.”

He leaves. Ryan eyes start to bore into me.

“What?” I ask him.

“You really don’t like talking to him. I’m getting the feeling you don’t like him.”

“It’s not that. It’s just really awkward.”

“How come?”

“I don’t know. I just can’t bring myself to form more than a one word answer.”

“Why? Jack isn’t intimidating.”

I shrug. “Maybe it’s me being shy. I don’t know him.”

“But you like him right?” He seems like a fun person to hang out with, right?”

I nod. “Yeah. I guess I just need to know him more and stuff.”

Ryan smiles. “He’s also nice eye candy. There’s not denying that.”

I look at Ryan. “Yeah, but you’re better to look at. I say quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Ryan smiles at me. “Thank you. I prefer to look at you too.” He cuddles into my arms. “So...about what Jack said, would you want to be my photographer if I become a model?”

“Of course. You’re gorgeous and I love taking pictures of you at your best.”

“And what if I wasn’t at my best.”

“It’d be my own fault.”

“You’ve really changed my life, Brendon. I think and hope that this can become something more. That we can become something more.”

I smile. I’d like that because he’s been a great asset to my life which used to revolve around stalking Jack. And now...it’s been both. Ryan’s pictures are piling. I haven’t shadowed Jack in awhile because there’s no need for it anymore. I’m around him so much that now I feel guilty. We’re taking one class together. Drawing, but I enter and leave without him seeing me. He’s always flipping his hair. I have many pictures of him doing that. At one point, I thought he saw me in class, but he thought nothing of it. Ryan’s eyes appear in front of my own.

“You’re always thinking,” he states.

“I’m just thinking that you need more shots. I want to fill up your portfolio.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Something you enjoy doing. I don’t want you looking at me ever.”

He nods and shyly looks away from me. It’s so cute.

“Act as if I don’t exist in the room.”

I pick up my camera and raise it. I adjust the lens and watch him. He blushes as he looks around awkwardly then looks down at himself. He slowly unzips his hoodie. I take a shot. He turns red even more. He continues slowly, pulling small pieces of clothing off. He stops when his hands reach his belt. He looks over at me coyly. I turn scarlet behind the camera.

“I can’t go any further,” he says to me. “You should knot what I enjoy doing. It’s the thing you don’t enjoy very much. And...I also feel awkward because we’re not even boyfriends yet. I can’t make myself feel comfortable with you until you’re comfortable with me.”

He picks up his shirt and puts it on. I set my camera aside and walks up to him. He smiles slightly at me and I kiss his head gently. I don’t exactly pull away yet. I look into his eyes and I lean in and kiss his lips. He presses back into the kiss. He as just waiting for me. I break away from the kiss with a grin.

“I am comfortable around you. This will get easier the more we do it,” I tell him.

Ryan beams. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

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