Dec 28, 2008 22:03
So, if anyone ever had any doubt about it, I'll admit to it.. The pixie is a messy painter.. Not messy on the wall, but I ultimately end up wearing at least 1/2 of the paint.. So, Bear worked yesterday and this morning on getting the walls preped for me.. I knew that the wall was going to drink the primer, but it did so more than I was expecting.. Three coats of primer later and we're ready to fix any places which look somewhat awkward and then prime those spots.. But, this is a tomorrow job..
Bathroom is all cleaned up at this point, but I didn't want to wash out the brushes and dispose of the pans because I know I'll be priming the touch up spots tomorrow.. So, tip for anyone who ever had to put up their stuff for the night, use plastic wrap to wrap up all your brushes and your pans.. They won't dry out and will be ready for you to use tomorrow (which is what I've done)..
Other than that, been a quiet day.. Been watching Columbo all day. In between the coats of paints drying. Yeah! :D