Weekend at the Pixie's

Dec 28, 2008 09:30

Last several day have been marvelous. I'm soloving staying home w/o going into my office. Haven't set foot in there in over a week and I feel fantastic! :D

As for what we've been doing the last couple of days... I've been working w/my stilts everyday and getting decent at them. I'm to the point where I'm walking on my own. Still having a heck of a time finding my center of balance on them while standing still. With them being curved, I want to fall forward when I'm still. I know, it will come with practice.

Bear's been working on the bathroom.. Yeah!! :D he did the patch work on the walls and sanded down the patches. I'm in charge of getting in there today and doing the painting. I'm a little behind on my schedule because I didn't touch the bathroom in 2 days. Felt kinda nice.

I've also been working on a cousin's step page. Bear moved her database over to a different database which caused the Coldfusion code to barf. The problem being that it's been so long since we touched the code that I think the company turned off the debugger on the server. There are general "oh yeah, your code isn't working" statements but not the line number. Come to find out that the new database didn't like LEFT JOIN clauses in the code. ARG! Anyway, got that fixed yesterday and am messing around with the formatting now. Should have it up and working before we leave for South Carolina.

Friday night was a bunch of giggles. Bear wanted to go to St. Petersburg to a photo scavenger hunt to play w/his new camera. Met a bunch of people and were sent around an 8 block radius to take as many pictures of ~150 things as possible. He had some "bonus" items which required interaction with people or you doing stuff.. I got to climb up 4 and 10 feet into this beautiful tree to get a picture taken and dance w/a stranger. Bear interacted w/a homeless man (gave him a pocket full of change) to get his picture, and we got a jewerly making individual some more exposure by taking his photo w/his sign. :) The people really seemed to enjoy getting into it. We didn't do the more crazy things like as people to moon us for a photo, or ask a 70+ woman to have Bear give her a piggy pack ride. Anyway, it was fun and we'll probably go out with this group again. I finsiehd off the night by looking for things to do while Powerstar was in town. Unfortunately, it's somewhat an off week, being the week right after New Years.. One more week and we would be taking him to the pirate festival (http://www.gasparillapiratefest.com/), but the week he's coming down everyone seems to be preparing. So, we'll just cruise the cost while he's here..

While I was making that decision, I also booked us for our New Year's Eve activities. Was looking around for something fun and not necessarily drinking related. Decided to get tickets for St. Petersburg First Nights (http://www.firstnightstpete.com/). Activities start at 5:00 and there's fireworks every hour starting at 8:00. Was told there were a lot of activities and it's more of a family friendly party atmosphere. So, I'm looking forward to that.

Yesterday I started taking down the Christmas tree. I have maybe around 20% of the ornaments off.. I was watching tv at the same time and wasn't getting into the activity. Bear came down to show me information on the Great Urban Race in Tampa Bay (http://www.greaturbanrace.com/). It looks like it will be a fun activity. We don't know Tampa *THAT* well, but they say we can have a friend standby to look things up on the Internet (and Bear has his Blackberry). So, we're now booked for that as well.

Night ended with us going to the movies. We went to go see Twilight since it's down to not too many theaters. We thought we had waited long enough that all the craziness would have ceased...We were wrong. We had an idea something was up when we went through the doors and there was a "spin the wheel" game going on and a prize drawing to a convention out in Orlando (vampires, werewolfs, and Harry Potter convention). I got a sticker w/the wheel, however Bear got the grand prize of the soundtrack and 2 stuffed animals (a lion and a lamb). So, he handed them over to me and I had some friends sitting in my lap during the movie. When we got into the theater, it wans't crowded at all..And as the movie time came closer, it filled up *completely* of pre- and teenage girls. Bear made mention of how if he was a teen he would be there just to be with the girls. It's been a *LONG* time since we've seen a movie w/this many girls. And this was the first time we've done it w/photo cell phone technology. Even though it states that you can't have your phone on, they were taking photos left and right of the main character w/their phones. And the gasping! Oh my...every time they did an eye shot of the main character there was gasping.. The producers nailed their audience completely. By the end the girls were just swooning out of the theater, calling each other "sheep" and "lil' lambs" (line refernece in the movie). Needless to say, it was an experience... I don't think we'll be going to the convention, for I'm sure it's going to be overrun w/teenage girls...

tampa, events, vacation, social, conventions

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