WTF Wednesday - Round 97 SUPER LATE EDITION!

Dec 02, 2009 10:18

Oh holy hell, this is the worst time of year for the linkies. These were the linkies for LAST Wednesday, despite the fact you're seeing them Tuesday of the following week (date has been changed to reflect the appropriate week). Round 98 (tomorrow) may be late for similar reasons, as well as next week's (99). Kept the descriptions short so I could post this super fast:

  • OH SHI-, start them on the LOLcats when they're young: kittens inspired by kittens (and naturally there had to be a parody, so here's also chickens inspired by chickens).

  • They're revolting!! Mice suspected in deadly cat fire. "Mice may be responsible for a blaze that killed nearly 100 cats at an animal shelter near the Canadian city of Toronto, officials say."

  • Oh sweet mother of god no D: - boy killed by anal penetrating chair.

  • Fun pet enjoys leisurely drive. Yeah, I bet you weren't expecting that one.

  • If I saw one of these, I would then know that Mother Nature wants me dead. And I would probably cower in fear. Forget trying to salt the thing to death: that snail will pick up the salt, throw it in your eyes, and then punch you in the nuts for good measure.

  • Epic, it's the super hero directory: a listing of all known current "super heroes." Well, semi-current. I'm still amused.

  • THEY IS HARDCORE. Christian side-hug album release. They are straight up thuggin', yo.

  • NO WAIT, IT'LL TOTALLY MAKE A RAD VACATION SPOT, I SWEAR... isn't that the premise of the first Silent Hill game? 6 of the creepiest places on earth has everything from the doggie suicide bridge to everyone's favorite Winchester Mystery House.

  • Vaguely ironic, anyone?

  • I love me a good Lady Gaga parody... or even a mildly decent one. Fortunately this one is hilarious. Neutra Face: an ode on a typeface takes Poker Face and font-ifies it.

  • Fortunately, this is one of those links where the title really DOES say it all: Smile, or else: hat stabs your head when your smile fades.

  • thank god we have Japan. That way they can retell the tale of Tiger Woods... in Sims style. And as interpreted only as how Japan can. By the point it hits the one minute mark, it gets hilariously WTF.

  • Alas, the burden of bearing a massive penis. Amazingly, this is completely work-safe, unless you're a spider or a fish. In which case, it's spider and/or fish porn.

  • To end: ever hear of the ole dancing plague of 1518? Probably not, but god, that's fucking weird. I wish I had something more eloquent to say about a group of 400 people going maniac non-stop dancing in the streets, but seriously, I've got nothin'. I like how they try and figure out causes. All I can think is that it's a serious case of dafuckitis or an ancient flash mob gone horribly awry.
  • dogs, wtf, luna not so linkies, sex, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), anatomy, animals, death, music, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, japan, videos, cats, photos, when fandom attacks, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, epic lulz

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