Luna's (Not So) Linkies - Round 44 (Links to Be Thankful For)

Nov 26, 2008 00:03

Sonic is playing too much in the background. I can't think of a clever intro. I barely know if this is even coherent or not. I'm so distracted at the moment. Today is Links To Be Thankful For Day, where I'm posting all the links that you guys have sent to me (and that I haven't put up yet).

  • From serke: the first of a couple of videos (and links from her). This one, The Devil Went Down To Georgia by Primus is an odd claymation animation worth a look of your time.

  • Japan's standards are fucking high... sent to me from my friend Becky, this article is about Japan's health campaigns. At least one person, towards the end of the article, had a bit of sense about the whole thing.

  • Another one from serke, it's straight out of talk like a pirate day. To quote the description: "n February 2008, John "Ol' Chumbucket" Baur and Mark "Cap'n Slappy" Summers (reknown throughout the civilized world as "The Pirate Guys") attended their first SF/F convention, CapriCon in Chicagoland. At the Opening Ceremonies, they were joined on stage by Tom Smith, and all of 'em sang Tom's ode to their wonderful holiday, Talk Like A Pirate Day." It made me giggle a great deal the first time I saw it.

  • Facebook is serious business: here's the story of a man who hacked his wife to death with a meat cleaver after she changed her facebook status to single. What the hell is up with this Facebook weirdness, between last week and this one? (Courtesy of ghzero)

  • Nicely segways the way for this next one: "Online divorcee jailed after killing virtual hubby." I... what? (From serke)

  • This one was passed to me from gotlivingdead, but I must admit I'm a bit confused: while I am delighted that the BBC did an article on a massive cosplay gathering, I am dubious as to their attempts at a world record for number of gathered cosplayers. I mean, haven't any of those people heard of Otakon? (Perhaps they mean only in Germany.)

  • One final one from serke (which I'm surprised, because I thought I had a bunch of backup from gotlivingdead but I suppose not). All you need to know is I've Got a Spell on You (from Screaming Jay Hawkins) is basically too amazing for words.

  • Another one from ghzero, that you have to see to believe: "Sarah Palin Turkey Incident: Does TV Interview While Turkeys Are Slaughtered In The Background."

  • To end: the Muppets from girltreadwater. Do you need more to click it? ;)
  • video games, douchebag, wtf, animals, music, death, fashion, japan, weirdos, videos, when fandom attacks, politics, links tiem, smooth criminal, drugs, epic lulz

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