Luna's (Not So) Lunes Linkies - Round 43

Nov 19, 2008 11:06

Next week is Thanksgiving right? Did I get my weeks mixed up? Anyway, next week will be themed and will be called "Links To Be Thankful For." Basically, everything I put up will be things that you guys have sent to me, that I haven't gotten around to posting yet. That also means that if there are any links you HAVEN'T sent me, that you've been holding onto, that you have a week to leave for me. :3 Now to begin:

  • Well... I laughed.

  • As the world progresses and technology improves, it certainly leaks into every aspect of our lives... and if the pope can text out prayers, then there is no fucking reason why my mother can't learn to use her phone.

  • Wow... wow. Come. Let me show you the most douche lawyer ever: "Rape victim upset? Well, she's smiling on Facebook said lawyer." Yep, that's right. The lawyer is claiming the woman is crying wolf, because she has pictures with her smiling in them since her rape. What?

  • Okay... dammit. Have some baby fucking pandas after that last link.

  • Here's something that johnny_fro made, involving Pacman, mecha, the little ghosts from Pacman, and flash animation. It's clearly a statement on the dystopian elements of society and questioning what is truly "good" or "evil" and... okay dammit. I just thought it was cute. Also, my spell check is trying to tell me that "distopian" isn't a word, which deeply concerns me.

  • The FBI... they're always watching.

  • ARGH. So apparently they're making an I Am Legend prequel. Which to me makes no sense what-so-ever, seeing as the first movie was (suppose to have been) based on a book already. Now they're making things up? I'm surprised that the author's letting this fly. I do like one of the comments on the article though: "As long as they bring the dog back, I'll watch." I... yeah.

  • OMFG, CATS. LOLcats-esque captions are encouraged.

  • And to end, a video. About a possessed snake head. Hooray! Reflex!
  • creepy crawlies, sweet tech, videos, video games, photos, cats, creepy, douchebag, wtf, religion, links tiem, ways in which they fail, movies, animals

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