In case you've missed
what's going on... Not going to lie: this was the day I was personally the most excited about. For the most part, all of these are just pictures with little to no explanation. Just a single still of something. I also decided to not be cruel: originally the entry was written up as "link one" "link two" and so on, keeping with the theme of no explanation. I've since revised it to increase a sense of dread before clicking each picture. This entry also has one of the HIGHEST number of links... mostly because I felt the need to beef it up. You're just looking at PICTURES after all.
Rainbows. I wonder if he regrets it? I has a bucket, 2008 style 8x8x16 cement blocks NOM NOM NOM The news report of Dorian Gray. Important message from Batman. Serious politics are serious business. What's the opposite of recycling? ENGARDE! A kissing book.
Best. Warning. Ever. I didn't know what was it's original purpose. "I wish my drawings would come to life..." "Now a days, most husbands have stopped beating their wives..." least they're honest? O_O I'd cry too. And to end... I SEE WHUT U DID THAR.