Why Do I Have 70 Unread E-mails!?!

Jul 29, 2007 14:17

I don't actually get all that much mail from people, and I have an excellent spam-blocker. How is this happening?!
A review:
  • There's the weekly pointless e-mail from Replacements unlimited, because I'm trying to find a single saucer in a certain pattern.
  • Mass-emails from Target, Borders, Barnes & Noble, because God forbid I should miss out on a coupon deal that I will never, ever use.
  • About 5 e-mails from Drugstore.com, reminding me that if I don't act fast I'll lose the whopping $2.41 I've earned by wasting $6 on shipping.
  • LiveJournal comment alerts: I somehow got set-up so that whenever anyone comments, I get an e-mail informing me. This I actually enjoy, because I use LJ more than e-mail when it comes to communication. This way I don't have to bounce all over my friends list to see if someone replies to a comment I made.
  • Political e-mails from both Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton, because I haven't managed to get off the fence yet. I never open either set of e-mails. Maybe if I had, I could have voted in the Clinton campaign-song-contest, and stopped her from choosing that Celine Dion number.
  • Receipt e-mails from various sources.
  • Job advice e-mails from Monster.com and other sources, which I signed up for back when I was hunting.
  • Vox weekly neighborhood update, reminding me that absolutely nothing is going on in my 'neighborhood' because I signed up and then didn't do anything or add anyone. I don't even remember what my Vox neighborhood is supposed to be.
And of course, the most persistent:
  • "YouTube Service:  You have a new comment on "Science Trick/ Bar Trick".
Absolutely ages ago, I solved a Perplex city card and thought the solution was so neat that I had to do it for myself. So that I could show
jabberwockeyes, I put it on YouTube so that I could easily embed the file onto LiveJournal. I just made a quick, sloppy little video with my Sony camera and uploaded it, and felt very proud and high-tech. I was confident nobody in the wider world would give a damn; if I even suspected otherwise I would have at least put a clean table cloth down.

image Click to view

Well, science trick/ bar trick has actually become a social experiement, proving that people on YouTube have an astonishing amount of time on their hands.
At the time that I write this, the video has gotten 57,880 views, 44 comments, and even more inexplicably, has been favorited 88 times. What the hell people?

wtf, youtube, e-mail

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