May 07, 2005 20:59
It's official, Tim's no longer playing volleyball. His knee keeps popping in and out of socket, or something to that effect. I'm fine, as are Holly and Jennifer, though I did bruise my knee on tuesday by finding out that under all that sand, there's apparently diamond or titanium or some other ridiculously hard surface.
Car fixed, and then fixed again. When I picked it up last friday, it was coughing and sputtering whenever I would accelerate. Wasn't doing that before they dismantled the engine. The mitsubishi dealership said I needed a tune up and replaced the spark plugs and wires, to the tune of another $275 (remember, this is a week after paying $1465 for the damn thing). I told them it wasn't doing it beforehand, so it must be something with the work, and he shrugged, like this did not matter to him, and said that it was the plugs and wires. I did not lose my temper. With immense calm and self control, I took the pen from his hand and stabbed him in the face. Repeatedly. Over and over, with the receptionist screaming from her booth and the other customers trying to pull me off the weeping wreckage I still held by the throat. I was immensely calm. Zen-like, even.
Then I paid for them to fix the damn thing and went home.