Sep 27, 2006 22:27

I have such bad ADD it isn't even funny. School is going well, although yorktown fucked me over in so regards, so I gotta haul ass and make up a bunch of shit. And Fuck MYTUNES for breaking...anyways, I had a bad day today until I got back to my room, talked to my friends, went to staples, hung out with people, talked online to lots of yorktown peeps, and of course...<3 *tee-hee* anyways, this weekend should be good, although I have too much shit to do. Next weekend...*Squee* I can't wait, I'm S0o0o0o0o0o0o0o excited! 
I talked to my mom today, that was nice. I dont call her as much as I should, lol, I feel bad, but I just get crazy busy. I talked to her for a while tho, giving her the low-down on like the retarded things that happened within the past 2 weeks. She and I came to the same conclusion: "Christ Almighty, just grow up." lol. I <3 my mommy. Anyways, I'm enjoying myself and life is good. I'm getting a package this week, woohoo! That's exciting...whoo! I <3 college. Now Back to doing work...
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