I regret to inform the wonderful women of my life that apparently, according to this guy who never met you, hates goths, hates freaks, is afraid of all things different than himself, that I make women feel unsafe
That was the laugh of the weekend..
Thanks to everyone who came to this month's Munch: Naomi, Natalie, Diane and Andy.. the place was nice albeit non-medieval (no, not medieval, not neo-medieval, try NON-medieval!), the food was fantastic, the conversation awesome (especially when we got to the "You make women feel unsafe" topic)
Ok so let's just move on to the weekend o' fun
Let me just say now that Alter Ego was, without a doubt, amazing, absolutely, absolutely amazing! The place was decorated and designed in a way that DC hasn't seen since, well, Jimmy Valentine's.. but imagine Jimmy Valentine's revved WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY up, to a level that this local Goth scene hasn't ever seen in DC since, well, ever.. unless Goths still hang in cemeteries, museums and gardens (Do they? No evidence, sorry).. talked a while with
loss_of_signal and saw
scarydavedc and
cheetahdave, DJ Strange and DJ Witch, Slash and Tracy, Steve and Kitty, Higgins, and of course
shadow27 and
I left for the Munch in the assurance that I would not be too horrifically late, but alas, Naomi and Natalie beat me to it, though they were ungawthily early..
Afterwards, Natalie and I went with Andy and Diane to
spellbound_dc where I had a very long awesome talk with
shadow27, also saw
pmhrh to congratulate her on Alter Ego,
loss_of_signal and
dharmata101 who loves borrowing my hats (yes, my plot is working), Nate my neighbor,
one_andrea, Slash and Tracy,
cheetahdave, Bryan, Amethyst, Jason (DJ Blondie) who was only here visiting (thanks for the info on the Edwardian Ball!), and of course getting to see Dune is always a wonderful, wonderful treat!!
Then I went home and read this fascinating article on Herod's Tomb.. wow!!!
I got up wonderfully late, of course, and decided to not go out until later on that evening due to it being way way way too hot for me to venture forth w/o dying.. I finally heard from Ib for the first time in months, and also had a nice brief phone chat with Larry.. then I celebrated the drop in temperature (all 2 degrees F worth) and went for Vietnamese food (mmm pho) and then went to Maggie Moo's for a rum raisin shake.. then I went to hang with Ross and needle him for missing Freak Mini-Golf this year..
So this weekend which was, well, definitely revealing in some very interesting ways (yes, I make women feel unsafe... especially those that willing hang out with me!), is now over.
Next week: New York!!!! And