Rantings from the bonfire

Aug 03, 2009 00:17

What do you get when you have colleagues spreading lies and slander about you to others, awesome smart friends who know you better and encourage you to move forward, cab drivers refusing to pick you up because you're black, and helping to save the life of a friend in crisis in one weekend?

Reply back and you tell me.

Let me just say that if the world were more populated with amazing people like Larry, fun people like Naomi, Edward, and Chris; caring and helpful people like Jo; oh and gorgeous and well-dressed people from The Garden of Arcane Delights, then I wouldn't have to worry about


I think it's time to make a move here. Friday was one of the most toxic days thus far. Great way to end July, a month of wonderful travel: to Chicago for Cornerstone; to Philadelphia with Larry, and finalizing plans to go to New York in August for Dances of Vice, oh and the Victorian Summer Stroll and Bad Poetry Reading..

It ended with some of the nastiest work drama to date.

So much so that yes, I am making an appointment for this week to, well, take care of the work drama, or at least how to more properly (or legally) deal with it.

So that evening after the work drama I went home for a bit, took a nap, went to the gym to work off the mental and psychological poison (För att göra mig av med giftigt folk!) that continues to try to convince me that I am dumb, stupid, useless and unnecessary in the work environment and all other environments, especially when people tell you this!..

I tried to find Wasteland and completely failed. No cab would go there (folks: you might want to try to remember that most of you are white and thus, cabs have no fear of taking you to Trinidad, however, someone non-white, such as myself, have had no chance in Hades of convincing any cab to go near there.. so if you want me, take me there yourselves, else, I will never be able to go.. So after calling the Scene for information on their cab service from ???, I was unable to find a phone number (and to his credit, Chris was also unable to find it online), so I gave up, and at this point, I doubt I'll ever go..

So after the totally aborted mission to go to Wasteland, I decided to go home from DC.


Not one cab would take me HOME! Take a wild guess why.

So anyway, I succeeded at last in getting a cab home, with the help of some random white guy who hailed a cab for me (funny after 30 minutes of my trying, the very first cab stopped for this guy on the dime!)

Friday was too toxic.


Well, at least it was a bit better. I got up late - a very nice thing - and decided to stay in and order Chinese because going outside was far too unpleasant an option to consider until the Evil Orb was banished from the sky for the night..

Finally hooked up my very nice new printer, which serves as a printer/photo printer/copier/scanner..

Naomi called and wanted me to go with her to spellbound_dc.. yeah what a chore ;) We had a fantastic talk about one corner of the Toxic Triad removed from my life this week (another one left a while ago; the other, well, I hope very, very, very soon!!!); and of course had a blast when we got there! She and I had a long and fascinating conversation with Edward (always the super-smart entertainer), and I also saw oldsmobile_mike, dharmata101, jruske, shadow27 and pmhrh, sameoldtune, Rick, Diane, Dirk, Amethyst, Dan and Kristy and their normie friend (same shirt as last weekend?), and ooo Delicatessen and The City of Lost Children!


I got up a bit earlier to meet Larry at the National Gallery of Art to see Spanish armor from the late Medieval and Renaissance periods owned by the Spanish imperial family. Absolutely amazing work; the German pieces were not bad, but the Italian pieces were phenomenal!! Italian-made armor FTW! More of you should go to this and prove that Goths are the ones with the love of culture and unexpected beauty..

Oh wait, Goths don't prove anything because we don't have to to mundanes/normies/Muggles.. ;)

Afterwards we went to DC Noodles for dinner, this after seeing Spanish still-life paintings (mmm bread, pomegranates, pears, and MEAT!)..

So the weekend started off horribly and ended very nicely.

But what a lesson I got from it! Time to make a change.. more details later, of course..

I'm at least not too stupid to realize when I need to make a change..

..Oh, and before I forget:

Those Who Munch
August 2009
Sat Aug 8, 2009 8PM (SATURDAY, not Friday)
Willow Restaurant
4301 N Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA

garden of arcane delights, true friends, those who mourn, work drama, toxic people, larry, goth, those who munch, jo, bad poetry reading, victorian summer stroll, event, spellbound, naomi

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