
Mar 10, 2006 10:54

1. Who were the influential women in your life while you were growing up?

My female relatives. Mom & paternal Grandmother being the two strongest. Miss Murphy - my grade one teacher, whom I can still picture in my head and was the best image I have in my head for how I want to be when I say "serene". Milady Dewinter - as portrayed by Faye Dunaway. Most of my real influences were male, fwiw.

2. Who are the influential women in your life now?

Hmmm...harder question.

My close circle of female friends.

3. How would you describe the status of women where you live, compared to the rest of the world?

As reasonable as it gets right now, other than the still very Puritan attitudes about the female form.

4. What is the single thing that would most improve the status of women where you live?

Stop reinforcing the theory that women require assistance to get through life.

5. I can't think of a fifth question on this topic, so the fifth question is: make up a question about women and women's rights and answer it.

Why are there so few strong female archetypes in movies/tv/books today? Because as a society, North America still cannot really handle a female that is female and strong.

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