great find of the day: found article and "fakir"...

Nov 11, 2008 20:41

OMDTHEKDLKFJSD!!!! So get this... major Princess Tutu fangirl moment.  I'm in the library, and printing off some Inuyasha fanfic to bring to chapter to keep me company, and I go to the printer and guess what is in there?  An article on "fakir"!!!!!  Yes, I did a little happy dance on the inside, actually chuckled on the outside.  It was a very good moment.

So I tried to be stealthy, looked at the time of printing on the page (4:52 pm, btw), and then decided no one would mind if I swiped the article up when I picked up my printing job.  So that's what I did.

So what, do you ask, is a fakir?  Well, according to this article, it is an "initate of the mendicant Sufi order".  The word comes from the Arab word for "poverty", but is used to refer to "ascetic Indian holy men".  So, these holy men are conjurers and "alleged god-men who travel from village to village to perform miracles".  Some activities that they do are walking on coals, eating fire, sticking their hands in burning oil, piercing their faces with needles, and pulling large objects by large needles in their backs.

So, aside from the whole sticking needles in faces and backs, sticking a hand in boiling oil, eating fire, and walking on coals, I think the name might fit Fakir rather well.  No, not because he is a god-man (although that might be arguable ;o), but because he is a sort of conjurer.  He writes stories, and they can come true.  He conjures stories and lives from words and, well, "nothing".

That was my exciting event of the day.  So I thought I'd share.  Isn't it interesting, the unexpected lessons life throws at you?  ;o) 

princess tutu

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