dreaming tree...

Aug 12, 2008 12:20

I've been having super weird dreams lately.  A few days ago I had a dream that me and a friend were on the run from these kid killers, who where angry and wanted to kill my friend because I stopped one of them from drawing on her with a marker.  We had to hide in the forest, in the trees, and everything was dark.  Until I got to my house, where Natasha was having a loud conversation with a militia woman, and my mother had used the stuff I bought in Russia to decorate her room like the armory of the Moscow Kremlin.

Last night I had a dream Callen and I were at the iceskating rink, but this guy was there, and when we were skating he was saying to be careful.  Last night, he continued, there was an accident, and a man had tripped and fallen on the ice.  His skate had gone through one of his legs, and when he fell, he broke his back, and his spine pierced through is skin.

I've been having such weird dreams lately.

Last night Callen wanted to see what Inuyasha was all about, so we watched the first four episodes, and she likes it!  I love spreading the Inuyasha Love around :oP  It's nice not to have Natasha and Dr. Holt here, because it's *gasp* silent in the computer room!  No sighing, no pounding desks, so gasps of "Oh no!" when something is sold on ebay, no chatterchatterchatter to distract me.  It's wonderful.

I'm gonna start packing, to see what I can manage to bring home.  I'm bringing more stuff home (in terms of souviners) than I did from Ireland, I feel like... oops.  The other day I splurged and bought myself an expensive Matrooshka doll.  I have an excuse though... the bank was ridiculous, and then I tripped in the street, and my camera fell and the display screen broke, and Natasha was being Natasha.  So I saw this wonderful Matrooshka, that's red and black, and the face is a story-teller's face, an intense look but not unkind, and there were Pushkin fairytales on it... and so I bought it.  I love it.  And it made me feel better haha.  But now's the time to start the packing process.

It'll be good to get home. 

going home, dreams

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