I'd let him swap our places...

Aug 11, 2008 11:57

hello again.  Great friday at Rostov... got to dress up in period costums and take pictures, which was fabulous.  The clothing was really warm... I loved it lol.  Rostov was beautiful.  Saturday night was "Fun Night" where Callen and I got to sample the Russian Vodka.  Umm... Good night lol.  I'm proud of myself for dealing with it as well as I did, for someone who really doesn't drink.  lol.  The Holts are supposed to be gone now... we'll see if they stay away until friday or saturday.  They might be back today if they missed the train (I wouldn't be surprised... Natasha is so spastic, and Dr. Holt is just blahhhh).

Hey, anyone out there know how the Olympics are doing?  I want to watch it, but tv is kinda... not easily accessible here.

Last night when I got to talk to the parents, my Dad asked me about Georgia (the country, not the state) and if I had heard anything.  I hadn't then, and he explained some stuff to me.  Then as soon as Callen and I walked into the classroom this morning he was like, "Have you heard about Georgia?" (I felt like saying, "No, genius.  We don't watch tv and we haven't had access to computers for the past three days, let alone in the 12 hours since we've seen you last.").

I have to do more research about it (actually have to, 'cause I'm in Russia this time and the issue def. hits home this time)  Apparently the U.S. and Russia are on opposite sides of whatever's ensuing, so it's a fun time, no?  God, politics... why do you have to mess up everything?  I hate politics.

One week from now I'll be starting the journey back home.  So... yay.  I do like it here, but It's gonna be a relief to get home.  I haven't really been allowing myself to think of home, or being there, which was good.  Now that I am thinking about it, I'm looking forward to gettting home.  I'll miss the food here, but I'm also looking forward to eating American food (which is more like "International food" lol... think about it... make a meal that is strictly "american" food, instead of borrowed from another culture... it's tough to think of an American-only meal).  I'm also looking forward to a washing machine, clean floors, cleanliness, working toilets, and soap.  Oh man... soap...  heaven in liquid and solid form.

I'm also looking forward to hearing english spoken.  As much fun as Russian is, I'm getting tired of not understanding what people say to me, and getting tired of saying, "Niete Gavaroo Pa-Rooskee" to people who ask me something on the street.  Yesterday walking home from the Holt's this young MIlitia man came up to me and asked me something with a slight smile.  I said "Niete gavaroo pa-Rooske" and he chuckled and looked to the guy at his side and repeated it, then walked away.  So... fuck you, militia man.  I don't know whether he was looking for something, asking for something, or just trying to cause some trouble.  Whatever.

So yeah... getting home to be able to be home will be nice.

Umm... I wanna go home.  The end.  Yuppers.  And I have a headache.

Oh, and from what I've read about the whole Georgia thing so far (which isn't a huge amount, mind you), I am of the firm opinion that George W. Bush is a complete asshole.  All he thinks about is posturing, instead of doing smart things that might help solve issues.  Bush is a piece of shit.

My mom rocks all the socks in the world.  She's planned thai and Japanese lunches for when I get home, as well as a shopping trip for jeans and the card store where they have awesome stuff.  I love my mom.  The End.


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