endings and...

Jun 11, 2008 12:12

I have no idea what I'm doing here.  I'm... kinda confused.  On a number of things.  I'll get it straightened out, but I want to get it straightened out now instead of later...

I saw Prince Caspian yesterday.  It was really good.  Different than the first one (of course) and the end was kind of sad, but it was good nonetheless.  I hung out with Allison for a bit, and it was good to see someone again.  We were talking for a bit, and the conversation rolled around to Ireland, and while we were talking about that she said at one point, "So you have to get used to people again."  And I kinda paused and was like "umm... yeah."  It's funny, 'cause it's kind of true.  I mean, I was around people at Maynooth, but those people didn't know me... they were just random aquaintences that came and went, and they didn't mean anything one way or the other.  Now, I have to get used to being with my family again, and hanging out with Allison was good 'cause it was an introduction back into the world of people who actually know me.  So it was good.

And it was also fun later, 'cause she came over last night and after watching the awesome thunderstorm we watched Inuyasha... it's nice having someone want to watch Inuyasha again lol.

Speaking of Inuyasha... It's official... it's ending next week :o(  I can't believe it, but I really really hope it's good.  Apparently, the spoiler for the last chapter is that it's going to be taking place 3 years after this weeks chapter, after the shikon no tama has been destroyed (oops... gave that away.  Yup, the spoiler for this week is that Kagome destroys the jewel with Inuyasha by her side :o) So... foiasdjfkla!!  We'll see what happens.  It better be good.

And for Russia, everything's getting underway.  I got an email about what to bring to Russia, and it's a bunch of bullshit.  They're like "bring 2-3 shirts... you can recycle".  And I'm like "excuse me, I wear my own clothes, thank you very much.  I don't throw them out, either."  So it's a bunch of crap.  And I still have no idea what we're going to be doing.  I'm kinda regretting signing up for this damn trip.  Whatever.  It's crap, I'll deal with it.  I don't even know if I'll be able to bring my freakin' computer with me now.  I'm gonna email the woman who's basically running this, and see what's up with the trip.  I want more details.  It's such crap.

Anyway, it's cooler outside today, so I'm gonna try to go sit outside or take a walk or something...

oh... and by the way... my sister went on my computer last night without asking me, and screwed with the internet connection, so I don't have internet connection right now.  I'm on her computer while she's at work.  Everything's just perfect, isn't it?  ijsdflkj

russia, home, inuyasha: the last battle

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