(no subject)

Jun 09, 2008 20:00

Today was a slow day, kinda... I managed to sleep until 7:30, so I was proud of myself.  Last night I was doing pretty well until about 10ish, then I just crashed on the couch.  We'll see what happens tonight.  I really want to write another chapter of my fanfic, but I'm thinking I'll save that for wednesday... Tomorrow I'm going to see Prince Caspian, finally :oP so I'm excited about that.

Saw the grandmother again today.  She's already arranging my life for me again.  She's already made plans for me for friday to go for pizza and then sit and chat or something with a friend of hers afterwards.  And she wants me to talk to one of her other friends about Ireland, and I'm like "leave me alone".  This is my life, not yours.  Get your hands off.

The house is still a mess, despite all my cleaning efforts.  I understand that mom and dad are really busy with work right now, (both are still working/at work right now, if that's any clue, and they've been going since about 7:30 this morning), but taking just one day to clean up isn't going to kill anyone.  And it'll get done in a day if you both work at it.  And keeping a house clean isn't that hard.  I cleaned the living room, dining room, and kitchen yesterday, and had to clean the kitchen again today.  The living room/dining room isn't looking that great anymore either.  I just don't understand it.  Not at all.  I thought I was going to escape messes and bullshit when I left Maynooth, but apparently not.

My mom said today after I was done cleaning the kitchen again, "Oh! I'm so glad you're home!" and gave me a hug.  Are you glad I'm home, or are you glad my services are home?

And It's really hot outside.  The schools in town have had early dismissals the past two days 'cause of the heat.

And I'm bored. 

annoying things

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