it's all so overrated, in not saying how you feel...

May 24, 2008 17:19

After the exam this morning, I felt like jumping and skipping all the way to the grocery store, and back.  It went well, and the weather was so beautiful, even if the wind was out to kill once again.  It was sunny and warm (without the wind it would have been hot) and absolutely beautiful.  Then I took a walk to all my favorite spots on campus, and then went to the big water garden and sat on a boulder and watched the reeds swaying in the wind and listened to the little waterfalls.  And a bird landed on a bush behind my shoulder and kept me company for a while with his song.

I'm gonna miss this place, I realize.  I like my walk and the water reeds and the waterfalls.

Then I came back here and made cous cous.  I don't know how to convert the metric system (or specifically how to get grams into pints, 'cause I had to measure out 250 grams of water, and only had a Guinness pint glass in which to measure anything... regardless to say I got lazy and just eyed the water), so next time I might add less water, but it came out really good! I was so proud of myself.  'Cause not only did I make the cous cous I sauted the spinach too and it came out really really good, and put that and some raisins in the cous cous.  I had a good dinner :o)

So it's been a great day.  I got up around 8, and studied for a bit, and was even happy walking into the exam hall.  Now I think I'll open the window and clean up this place.  I can't believe my time here's almost over.  But I'm going to enjoy it while I can :o)

food, ireland

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