I've Been Driving For An Hour...

May 24, 2008 00:18

So... ummm... these exams are kinda... retarded

Basically, I haven't studied at all.  And it's about 12:18 am, and my exam is at 12:30 am.

But... I just don't care anymore.  Yeah, I know I have to study.  And I will.  But I'm thinking of just going to bed right now.

Today, after getting back here at around 11 am or something like that, I just relaxed, did some fandom stuff, organized some possible questions and some notes, fell asleep for about 15 minutes (I've been up since 5 am), then went to Leah's flat for breakfast for dinner and had fun just chatting away (it's been two weeks since I've had a chat with anyone new/different, since Alix was here), and then came back, just laid around and listened to music (yes, I was lazy, but no I don't care... sometimes you just need time to chill out, y'know?), and then took a shower.  I just finished trying to look up some info on the Pascal/Easter question that happened in Ireland in the 8th century (it has to do with the argument of the date of Easter), but failed at finding info on it (I got easter quizzes, easter egg-dying tricks, and random pascal things that have nothing to do with Ireland...).

So... my eyes are a bit dry now, and my head is a bit fuzzy.  So I'm thinking it's bed time.  I'll get up early tomorrow and study.  If I get up at 8:30 I'll have... 3.5 hours to study.  So... maybe I'll get up between 8 and 8:30.  That way, I can study my notes, look up some stuff on the internet, and then bs my way through the final.  It's only a 90 minute final, which means only 45 minutes for each essay, so I don't think she's expecting a TON of information on each question.  Oh man...

I can't wait until 2 pm when I can come back to my room, read fanfic unhindered/without guilt, and then just dance around my empty room.  And then tomorrow night, if I don't end up going to the pub, I'm thinking popcorn, cider, and a movie *cough Inuyasha cough*

Okay, that's it for now.  I'm gonna go to bed.  And not dream about finals.... maybe I'll just stick my notebooks under my pillows and hope that the information just seeps into my brain.  That's worked before, right?? 


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