This is What Full Feels Like...

Apr 30, 2008 21:44

Oh my goodness... I don't think I've been this full for a very, very, veryveryvery long time.  I'm seriously about to burst.


Dinner was great.  We got there and only a few people were there already, so it was good.  So we sat down, and everyone sauntered in later.  At first I was a bit like, "hmm... see this is why I don't hang out with these people."  But then as the dinner continued it was fun.  There's this one girl that's nice, but sometimes she's too nice... a fake nice... and she was totally laying it on tonight and I was like, "wow... you need to calm down."  And then a few of the girls are people I used to hang out with, then decided they were a lil too weird for me (and that's saying a lot) and so I don't hang out with them anymore.  And one of the girls kept on making these elitist comments and I was like, "wow... you really need to get your head outta your arse."  It was funny.  And she's practically bragging about how her friends aren't good friends back at home, and I was like "you're happy about that?" *shuffles chair away from her*  It was amusing.

But it was a great time.  It was nice to get into a big group (and again, this is me saying this haha) and laugh.  Sure, these people are not my kind of people, but it was a fun time.  And closer to the end when everyone was stuffed and the after-dinner haze was starting to kick in everyone was just getting really ridiculous, so that made it even more entertaining.

What I had for dinner: vegetable cakes (kinda like crab cakes, but with vegetables) with sweet and sour sauce, this vegetable fried rice stuff with a fried egg on top, and bailey's cheesecake with some icecream and sprinkles, and some tea.  And I had soda!  I haven't had that in a loooong time haha.

It was a very good meal.  I'm sooooo stuffed though.  I'm seriously on the verge of pain haha.  But it's all good... this'll prob. be the first night for a while I don't need a snack haha :oP

The funny thing was that at the dinner everyone was asking when flights home were, and yes, I have been thinking about going home (I just changed my flight today, after all), but it really made me think.  It was so weird to hear people talk about going home.  Like, the time here's almost over?  As much as I've complained about some things (or most things at one point or another lol), it was a good time here.  It's just funny that I won't be here for toooo much longer.  It's so funny!  Oh study abroad, why do you play with my mind?

So in all, great night, I can't believe things are coming to an end, and I'm absolutely stuffed.  I'll be surprised if I'm hungry in the next three days after eating so much haha.

I'm too stuffed to do much of anything tonight.  So I think I'm going to read a bit of poetry for Romanticism (as much as I'm revolting at the idea of doing work, I figure this state of mind will enable me to pick out poets that I can understand really easily haha) then look online/read some online stuff for a few, then watch a few Inuyasha episodes in bed, then get to sleep semi-early so I can wake up tomorrow after my food-coma tonight.  :oP

oh, and just to let everyone know... it's supposed to be -1 degree out tonight.  What?!  It's May in about 13 minutes (for us folk in Ireland, that is), and it should not be -1 degree out.  (just for you guys back home in the US... that's -1 degree celsius... hahaha :oP  But still... it's in the negatives... :o(  )  I just think that's funny.  It's supposed to be almost summer.  There are no seasons in Ireland, that's what we've learned here folks ;o)

food, going home

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