thesis and hunger games...

Apr 01, 2012 12:22

I have finished my thesis.


I still have my thesis defense to go through, but I have until April 19th for that.  In the meantime, I'll just read and try to relax.  Even though I can't do anything concerning my thesis anymore (my professors are reading it now, and i won't be able to do anything if something's needed until the 19th), I'm still nervous.  It's stupid, but not something I can really stop.  So I'll just try to distract myself until then.

I wanted to go out and do something to kinda celebrate being done with my thesis, but I don't think that's gonna happen.  I guess I shouldn't do anything until after the 19th anyway, or else I'll end up jinxing it.  So maybe it's a blessing in disguise.

I saw The Hunger Games on Friday and it was amazing.  I loved it.  I didn't expect to really love it... I expected it to be good, but the idea of kids killing kids isn't really appealing to me.

But omg... I'm in love.  I started reading the book the night I came home.  But even without reading the book. you still get everything when you watch the movie.  (I actually liked not reading the book before I saw the movie.  It was exciting, and I didn't feel the pressure of comparing the movie to the book.)  I think seeing the movie without reading the book proved what a good movie The Hunger Games is... For example, when you compare it to the Harry Potter films.  My dad hasn't read the books and he felt lost during some of the movies.  So while the movies might be a good supplement to the book, they can be a little confusing if you haven't read the series.  They're entertaining, but not really excellent movies.  The Hunger Games, however, is a fantastic movie in and of itself.

And the violence is balanced really well.  The violence still makes a point, and it's not down-played which would have trivialized the book/issue/what's going on.  And you see it.  But it's not grotesque and gratuitous or over the top.  I was extremely impressed with how the issue of kids killing kids was handled.  So kudos to the filmmakers and the actors for pulling it off.

So yeah, that was one good thing that happened after my thesis was turned in.  So I'll continue to read the first book, and then I'll probs order the second and third.  I'm excited.

But that's about it.  So yeah. Yay!

books, the hunger games, mfa thesis, life as a grad student, movies

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