Meme: Fic Works in Progress (Dean/Castiel)...

Jun 24, 2010 18:00

The meme:
When you see this, post a little weensy excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying around. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will burst forth and do something, um, inspiration-y.

I stole this WIP fic snippet meme from rock_my_town  ages ago.  So I've been meaning to do this meme for a while now. And since I need to get in the new ( Read more... )

fanfic, fic, dean/castiel, supernatural, writing, fic: dean/castiel, meme, fic: supernatural

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the_ninth_bow June 25 2010, 01:21:39 UTC
Yeah, it's a pretty cool meme :oP I've been meaning to do it for a while, but... oops! You should totally do it!!

I'm glad you found it interesting! Idk how to take some of it, whether it'll eventually work in the end, but *shrugs* And lol, the first fanfic... I'm glad you liked it! For some reason, s4/early s5 can be really fun to watch and write with their interactions. So I'm glad that kinda worked!

I'm glad you like the codas! The 5.16 is one I really want to finish, and we'll see what happens with the 5.18 one... it might be overused material by now, but maybe breaking it into snippets would help that? idk. (but yess... it does make me sad, too. But to give away the ending, it ends on a hopeful note, not too angsty lol they come to a sort of peace ;o)

The Humanity one is actually one I'm almost done with :oP I thought it was too angsty at first, but I'm cleaning it up. and it's actually really fun to get into the darker side of Cas falling without Castiel falling into drugs and booze and sex. Kinda like... a realistic fic about how he'd try to deal with the nitty gritty aspects of humanity :oP

lol, I had no idea I leaned towards Fallen/falling!Castiel so much! I hope they're different from each other... I think that's the trick, there's a ton of material to explore with that situation, but you can't explore all the material in one fic... but how do you explore it all in multiple fics but make them all different and unique from each other? *sigh* But yes, obviously I like Cas being on that barrier as well... it's just awesome, awesome material (and omg, I would have loved it if it was explored more on the show! but alas, there's only so much they can cover in twenty-two 44 min episodes... sadly).

I'm glad you enjoyed them! And sweet dreams!! :o)


pyjamagurl June 25 2010, 09:44:18 UTC
I think I shall make that today's job ;)

I know how that is, I have a lot of things sitting waiting to be finished that I've never done anything with because I'm stuck. I agree I like their interactions in S4/early s5 there's so much between them waiting to be explored xD

I think 5x18 like 5x22 got a fair amount of codas/after-fics (I did two for 5x22 so really I'm no one to talk) but everyone goes a different way with it which is always interesting xD Aww I'm glad they get a hopeful ending, I always thing the boys need one.

Ooh neat! I look forward to reading that one! And I like the idea of Castiel exploring the grittier parts of humanity without getting drawn into the world or sex, drugs and alcohol.

Aww *hugs* I think it's only when we go back and look at things in bulk that we see what we have the tendency to do. I would have to read over mine again to see where my leanings are, lol. I think that the plot of the fic ultimately effects how you can explore Castiel falling, different situations compell different reactions and I really do think there is a lot of material waiting to be explored xD (They could have spent less time using Cas as a plot device and explored his character a bit more like they did in S4 but *shrugs* we got what we got.)

This got rather babbly, my apologies, I don't think my brain is quite awake yet ;)


the_ninth_bow June 25 2010, 13:14:18 UTC
Do it! I'm looking forward to see what you have :oD

It's sad how many fics are probably sitting on computers and will probably never be seen :o( I know with mine I either get stuck, or another fic drags my attention away and I never go back to finish. We'll have to fix that haha.

Yeah, I think they did haha. But it is interesting to see the different takes on it. And yess... the boys deserves happy endings *hugs them*

I'm glad you like the idea! :oD

hehe, very true. It's interesting seeing what different people are compelled to write. And I like how you said that, different situations compel different reactions... VERY true, which is the fun thing about fic - you can explore characters through the different situations you write them in. Like Castiel ;o) It opens up endless possibilities :o)

It's not babbly! Even if it was, I'm always babbly, so no worries! :o)


pyjamagurl June 25 2010, 18:48:57 UTC
Done ;) I got a bit carried away, lol!

I know right...I have so many from various fandoms that I've written and then done nothing with. They will just stay there and gather virtual dust I imagine.

If anyone deserves happy endings it's Dean, Sam and Castiel *nods*

It's what I love so very much about fic, taking characters and plonking them in a different situation than we get to see them in the show. They are too much fun to play with and explore :D

Awesome ;)


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