So i just found the best fic ever, and I'm letting everyone know...

Oct 14, 2009 23:53

holy freakin' fuck.

So I just found the best fic ever.  There have been plenty of awesome, awesome, fics that I've read.  Fics that have not only explored a lot of different aspects of a character(s), but fics that make me question my own ability to write, as well as just served as a hell of a good time reading smexy times. 

But here is the fic, and you need to go read it now.  No Joke.

And the funny thing is it doesn't have any sexy times at all, and it doesn't even pair Dean and Castiel together in a slashy way (although it's there if you want to see it).  And yes, the fic is for Supernatural.  It's about Castiel dragging Dean out of Hell.  And yes, it is bloody and brutal and sharp, but at the same time has this sense of peace, of "holy" about it, if that makes any sense (and yes, I'm aware of how corny that sounds, but it's so GOOD.  It pulls it off so that the fic is just awesome).

So yeah.  I almost skipped over it because it didn't really pair Dean and Castiel together in a romantic sense, but geeze am I glad I read it.  Best everrrr.

It adds so much to Dean and Castiel's relationship, even if you don't slash them together... adds a whole other aspect to it that kind of gets passed up in the fandom (or at least in my own mind lol... I've kinda mostly seen Castiel as an angel that's becoming more and more human, even though his faith in God and goodness and Dean is absolute, and Dean as a man who's slowly but surely gaining redemption.  This fic casts Castiel as an angel who guides Dean to the path where Dean has to physically choose redemption, and piece himself back together again after Hell has torn him apart. And his choices are what set him apart from Hell and the rest of humanity.  I love it.)

Dean stared down at his body. It was a dirty job, but he'd let every other dirty job go, lost his scars and washed his hands. Even without those marks on him, he was still Dean Winchester, and he still knew no other way to go than to tackle the job in front of him.

He turned to face Castiel. "Okay, one thing."

Castiel raised his eyebrows.

"That was all symbols, so I could understand," Dean said, waving his hand back toward the motel, at the top of a hill that wasn't there anymore.

Castiel nodded.

"So what did you really say to me, when you came to get me? Because what I heard--that wasn't what you said, was it. That was just what I could understand."

Castiel watched him, giving him nothing.

"Say it to me again," Dean said. "I bet I can hear you this time."

He wasn't going to beg and plead, but he wanted to hear it again. That voice that had been the first glimmer of something changing. If he could just hear it again, he'd be ready to go, he knew it.

Castiel maybe smiled, or maybe that was just the way the light was passing through him. He reached for Dean, settling his right hand over the scar and his left hand on the back of Dean's neck. He leaned in close, and whispered into Dean's ear, and his voice thundered all around them. It blew back the grass and knocked down the trees and shook loose the earth they stood in, but under that, Dean could still hear Castiel's voice like he'd always heard it. This time it fell into the words--the symbols--that tradition required.

The angel said to him, "Be not afraid."

But yeah.  I love what this fic did to explain and explore a different aspect of who Dean and Castiel are.  Fuckin' love it.

You should go read it, even if you aren't in the Supernatural fandom ;o)  And I'm gonna go read it again.

recs, dean/castiel, supernatural, fangirling

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