when is a holiday ever really a holiday here...

May 25, 2009 23:45

So, where to start... sadly, nothing incredibly exciting has been happening in my life lately.  The only thing I really got to say that might be exciting is that I finished dowloading one new series I really like, and almost the complete series of Avatar as well (yippee!!).  So over the next few days/weeks I might have a marathon or two so I can watch all of my new series.

But yeah, memorial day was blahhhh for me.  But I'm strangely exhausted... and in a slump of sorts.  I'm just feeling really... blahhhh, y'know?  I would go to bed now (and heck, this is super early for me) but I don't want to lay in bed and just... lay in bed.  So I have the Tsubasa soundtrack playing now, and when I'm done here I'm gonna go pop Princess Tutu in.  Princess Tutu always, always cheers me up, without fail, and I'm long overdue with having a mini-marathon of it.

So yeah... mini-rant time... sorry.  Whenever I'm home, there's going to be at least one (or two) days when I catch my sister yelling at someone on the phone, and then hear her melt into tears.  Yeah, she needs better friends... or love interests really.  She's a good girl, deep down, but she always sells herself short.  I don't know if she's in a "hardcore relationship" with this kid or not, but whoever it is, I kinda want to smash his head in.  Why?  'Cause Erin at one point was like "Well just tell me what I can do blah blah blah".  And my only thought to that is "Honey, he should be asking you that question."  Seriously, don't go following some jerk around, and if he can't trust you (and visa versa) it's not a good relationship.  See other people, do something.  He's not worth it.  Seriously.

Blahh... Erin needs to get a good guy and better friends.  The End.

So yeah, after I heard all that I decided to clean up the messes she had to clean up in the hallway upstairs, so there was just more cleaning today.  All of yesterday I was in the basement going through all the clutter.  My dad was home (duh, I guess, it was Sunday) and so he was in the unfinished room behind the washer and dryer cleaning that up and repainting the walls and the floors.  My job was to clean up the finished room, so that I can eventually use it again as a tv/computer/hangout spot instead of as a paper storage room for him.

Wanna know the really crazy part?  I had three or four bags of garbage, and lots of recycables, and as I'm taking everything to the trash outside he stops me, and wants to go through all the bags to make sure I'm not throwing out anything "valuable".  I stared at him for exactly 2.5 seconds before yanking the trash out of his hand (and yeahhh... I might have actually slapped his hand a bit... oops :o/ ) and taking it to the trash outside.  Seriously, the stuffs been down there for years... It's not valuable at all.  If he hasn't realized it 's missing, hadn't tries to find it, he doesn't need it.  So there.

So the basement is on it's way to getting all nice and shiny clean.  He just has to go through all the papers he has scattered everywhere now... I wasn't about to go through them again, I learned my lesson last time I tried to do that.  But maybe tomorrow while he's at work I'll go down there again and "tidy up" a bit more.  Fun, right?

So yeah, I'm exhausted.  And I think I'm getting really tired of not being as active as usual as well (maybe that's what's contributing to the slump?).  I need to start jogging because car rides do not count as excercise.  Darn :oP

blah, life

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