Jul 22, 2009 19:58
I wonder...am I a villain or a hero/good guy?
Greatest physical strength: Thigh grip, Arm strength
Weakest point of physical strength: Achilles, Hips
Greatest mental strength/ability: Observation, Introspection, Calculation
Weakest mental strength/ability: Social dependence, Pessimism
Strongest character attribute: Caring, Helpful
Weakest character attribute: Jealous/possessive, Vengeful
Kill technique: Strangulation by thigh grip
Save technique: Distraction to threat by flirtation
Super attire: Head to toe vinyl
Normal attire: Soft dresses with cowboy boots
Carried accessory: Torch and scythe
Carried familiar: Innocent-looking kitty
Hmmm...to be continued.... still can't decide if I'm to be good in the world or bad. ;) What good is it being balanced??
Now you try it!