Title: Said Too Much
Fandom: BSG
Character/Pairing: Roslin, Apollo
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Lee looks for his father, but finds his step-mother instead
Word Count: 428
A/N: “I wish you would have used your better judgment, Apollo.” She says softly.
Lee knocks at the door of his father’s cabin, expecting them to be elsewhere on the planet. He slides his hands into the pockets of his pants, starting to walk from the house.
Laura finally gets to the door, “Lee, what a surprise.” She grins, “I was just putting your sister down for her nap. Come in, but keep it down.” She steps aside for him.
“Oh no…no, no, no.” Full of stress, he slides his hand through his hair, “My father isn’t here?”
“He…” She tilts her head to the side, almost taken aback by his reaction to her, “Is everything okay? I know I’m not your father, but I have ears to hear your problems and I’ve been through some things that maybe I can offer a little advice.”
He swallows, glancing around the living room, “Not with this you can’t.”
“Does this have to do with my daughter?” Laura smirks, “The taller one.” She teases a little.
“Yes, which is why I can’t talk to you right now because you‘re going to be really pissed and….” He starts moving toward the door again, “I’m just going to go.”
“You got her pregnant.” Laura blurts, surprised by her statement as well.
“No…well…” He closes his eyes tilting his head down, “I’m not the one to talk about this with.”
“Did you honestly think your father was going to take this any better than I would?” She watches him closely with wide eyes, slowly moving to him and hugging him strong, “I wish you would have used your better judgment, Apollo.” She says softly.
“Yes I know.” Lee swallows, “If it’s mine, I’ll do whatever she wants me to do. I know that I made a child with the woman I love-”
“What do you mean ‘If it’s yours’?” She holds him at arms length by his shoulders, “You’re the only one she was with. Who else is a possibility?” Laura notices his apprehension, “It won’t leave this room unless there is a need for it to.”
“Madam President-”
“Laura.” She corrects, “I’m the mother of your sister. You can at least call me by my first name.”
“I won’t tell you that, I absolutely won’t tell you that.” His voice is quieter than before, “I’ve already said too much.” He swallows, walking toward the door again.
“You could just wait and see your sister-”
Lee shakes his head, “Later. I’ll just…I’ll see her later.” He glances to her once more before letting himself out.
Laura slowly lowers herself to the sofa, “It all makes sense now.”