(Now with
added alliterative appeal.)
As some of you know, I go through books at an impressive rate during the slow parts of my work shift. I have a hard time finding enough new reading material to keep myself supplied.
Well, I finished my last library book on Saturday even though I tried not to.* (Tamora Pierce's Terrier. My first experience with anything by Pierce. Not bad.) I've been making do with an RPG rulebook and a security gear catalog. (I needed a new pair of boots. Really good boots.) So if I'm not going to re-read Wraith Squadron for the twentieth time... I could really use some suggestions for books I could read. Any thoughts?
I'm very big on fiction. My reading habits tend towards science fiction and (to a lesser degree) fantasy, but not exclusively so. A good sense of humor certainly helps, but is not a must, so long as the story is good. It doesn't have to be fiction, but that's usually the best for drawing me in and keeping my awake and entertained through the long hours of the night. Plenty of non-fiction has proved equally gripping. (
Georgia Diary,
Shake Hands with the Devil and
Your Inner Fish to name a few.)
There's more books out there than even I could read in a hundred lifetimes... but how do I know what's good? I could use you guys' help with that.
*I wasn't able to avoid finishing it. Aside from it being decently compelling, I was also exhausted on Saturday. Too tired to try and pass the time by writing or to stay coherent without something to occupy my mind. I got two hours of sleep, then spent eight hours with my friends gaming, then eight hours of work. And then on my days off I completely failed in my plan to catch up on lost and my plan to finish rewriting that story I've been working on. I swear, this weekend either I finish that damn story or it finishes me.