Apr 20, 2005 16:30
So we were having student elections today and like a good little grad student I went and voted. Immediately after I showed up a little slip of a dirty blonde showed up. I would definitely describe her as not-cute, but the two guys manning the polls were all over her like the proverbial white on rice: "'Come sit on his lap' & etc."
OK, both of the polling place guys were way broke, and I would have not liked it if they tried to flirt with me, but all I got was "Here's a free computer" and she gets two lap dogs huddling around her to make sure she knew how to log on and vote in the proper way! WTF?! They could have at least asked if I knew what I was doing before drooling after the honey scent of their plain Jane little blonde. I mean she was plain! Like plain, plain: you can't remember what she looks like 5 minutes after meeting her, just this side of unattractive. In what world do we live in where I'm not 10x hotter than her?! Come on! But no wait, I'm just hot for a brunette, being blonde (even dirty blonde) gives you a 100x spike in your overall hottness quotent, apparently.
So, they were rude and I got dissed to boot! Sux.