New Year's Wisdom--or not...

Jan 04, 2005 01:20

Heh... Wolf's Rain is currently playing on Cartoon Network.

Anyone who could write a coherent synopsis of that series is a creative writer of the highest order since I doubt even its producers knew what it was about.

(No, "Anthropomorphic wolves running a lot" doesn't count as a synopsis.)

Watching it through months back, I kept thinking, "It's dumb and pointless, but oh well, no harm done," and then the last seven or so episodes hit--episodes which I am convinced had as their credo "Pointlessly kill off another main character"--and it felt like some harm had been done to me as the viewer, to my intelligence.

When anime sucks, it sucks hardcore.

And to continue the bitch-fest...

Today I saw on someone's license plate frame the message, "51% Angel, 49% Bitch... Don't Push It."

...Yes, that message totally intimidates me, especially plastered on the back of your nice, new Camry.  Oh, and where's your Roxy heart decal?  Mustn't forget the Good Charlotte/New Found Glory bumpersticker for that added grrrrl power.

Self-image and an identity are only a trip to your local mall and Hot Topic store away!

Seriously, people who wear "message T-shirts," put shit like this on their cars and what-have-you only end up punking themselves.  If you've got to pay money to have someone else say it for you then you never were saying it for yourself.

Peace and Happy New Year!
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