May 21, 2008 14:30
Job interview was today. It went well, I think. The interview lasted about 45 minutes, which is a good thing I'm pretty sure. I had some questions, which I also heard was a good thing. I really want this job, and after hearing more about it...yeah...I still really want it. I have send some work samples in, so she can see how I write and do spreadsheets and stuff. Only downside now is that Nancy, the woman I interviewed with said she is really busy and doesn't have a deadline for making a decision. She said not to feel "put off" if I don't hear anything back before June 9. That's in about 2.5 weeks. I'll be doing my best to keep busy for those two weeks. I do have some violin practicing to do for a wedding. And I think the first week of June I'm gonna go up to DC to visit Will and MAYBE try to set up some interviews with research agencies up there. But I don't want to move out of Tallahassee.